1. Get Good Grades
"Marks don't matter" or "marks don't decide one's future" are a myth for Indian parents. Nothing pleases them more than an A+. So whether it is an unimportant class test or your 12th-grade boards, you need to hustle until you touch that 90% and above mark. Even if this means you having to stay back at school for extra classes or going over at a friend's place, who is a math wizard, to teach you the needful. You will have to stop complaining and hustle for that dream trip.
2. Wait For The Right Time To Ask
Good timing: Here are some examples of good timing you can find the opportunity to ask the question
i. On weekends when your parents are free and not involved in work.
ii. Catch them in their best mood.
iii. On festivals such as Diwali, Christmas, and more.
iv. After you have achieved something such as good grades, a medal in sports, some extra money by doing a part-time job, or you didn't spend the whole year and saved for the trip.
Bad timing: Here are some examples of bad timing that you should avoid
i. When they have come home just after work. This is a risky time as you never know, they could have had a bad work day.
ii. Don't ask if you have fought with them recently or they have fought with each other.
iii.If they can't pay for the trip or you have not saved any money at all.
iv. When they have just received the electricity bill.
v. When they have just received your cell phone bill.
vi. When they have just received any kind of bill!

3. Be At Your Best Behaviour
In addition to achieving good grades, you need to be at your best behaviour. This means helping your parents whenever they want you to, coming home before curfew, taking responsibilities and completing them on time and correctly, and so on.

4. Do Your Research Well
In a parallel universe, your parents will say yes when you ask their permission for a trip without asking any questions. But sadly, that is not the case in the real world. Lay out all the details and get ready for a grilling session because your parents will inquire about each and everything related to the trip.A. Cost of the trip
i. Cost for accommodation
ii. Cost for the commute - this includes flight fares, train tickets, bus tickets, car booking fees, and other transportation charges
iii. Cost for food
iv. Incidental costs - this includes the cost of tickets for attractions, entertainment, some shopping that you do over there, and more.
You have to make sure that everything is under the budget. Brownie points if you end up spending less than what your parents have allowed you to.

5. The Friends Involved In The Trip
Indian parents are concerned about the company you hang out with and like it or not, they will constantly ask you about the people you are going out with, the people you talk to on late night cell phone conversations and the people who text you constantly. The questions are endless. Likewise, they will want to know all about the friends you are planning a trip with. Make sure you point out that all your friends and you are mature and can be trusted. If your parents don't know or don't trust your friends, it is highly likely that they won't allow you to take a trip with them.
6. Do Not Lie
If there's one thing that Indian parents hate the most, it is lying. And we all know the punishment for lying; a flying chappal! So, don't lie about your trip being an all guys/girls one. Let them know that the trip includes boys and girls both and there have been proper arrangements made for sleeping separately. Your honesty might become the ticket to your dream trip!
7. Promise Them You Will Stay In Constant Touch
You will let them know about your location, you will call them before sleeping every night, you will let them know about any last minute changes you are making to the trip, and you will let them know you are safe. These area few of the many things you should promise to your parents when you plead your case. This will assure them that you will be a responsible child on the trip.
8. Respect Their Decision
If you have done what's stated above, chances are you will be granted the trip. In this case, rejoice and thank them. They also deserve to know that they are the best parents ever! But if things do go south and they reject your request, try again in some time. If they still don't agree with you, understand what's making them say "no" and try to mend things. If it's still a no, then you must give up. There will always be a next time and they might allow you then. Don't forget, Apna time aayega!
Do not go on the trip without their permission. This will get you in serious trouble. Not all moms are like Jaya Bachchan from K3G, ready to welcome her son back with an aarti plate. Your parents will lose trust in you and you will end up saying goodbye to all future trips, along with added punishments such as no allowances, no cell phone access, etc.
Indian parents may seem strict but at the end of the day, they love their children dearly. So give it all you have got and hope for the best!