The United States of America is known around the world for its flamboyance and celebrations like no other country. A country that accepts diverse ethnicity from across the world and celebrates life, the USA gives an experience that gives other countries try to replicate in their own nations. Even when it comes to the Tree Lighting ceremonies held across the states in their own style, there's always a flair and mood that brings in tons of tourists from within the country and other countries as well. Here is a list of some of the Holiday Tree Lighting ceremonies one should witness at least once in their lifetime:
5 Fascinating Options to Enjoy a Tree Lighting Ceremony
The rodeo drive lighting ceremony is over the top every single year. It is the prime shopping area in California hence over the top lighting ceremony is only apt for the thousands of shoppers and tourists on Rodeo Drive. The lighting ceremony takes place in the month of November and includes live performances, music, and a galaxy of lights. They even have fireworks for some years and often try to change the ceremony and mix it up every year. The tree lighting does not involve lighting up of just one tree but of 42 palm trees along the length of the drive. It also includes an array of other light displays like chandeliers and more.
Source The Zilker holiday tree in Texas is enormous, to say the least. The tree alone stands to a height of 155 feet as made up purely of bulbs of various colors. The top of the tree is crowned with a double star made purely of frosted bulbs and the entire tree looks like a giant tree of glorious illumination. The tree is usually lit on the 29th of November by one chosen lucky winner. The tree lighting ceremony is followed up with live music performances, food, and entertainment. The tradition was started by the electricians of Austin Texas in the year 1960 and still stands even today.
3) National Christmas Tree lighting, Washington DC
The national Christmas tree lighting in the capital was a tradition started by President Calvin Coolidge in the year 1923. The original ceremony involved the president walking from the white house up to the tree with a choir of the local community and the marine band. The lighting of the tree takes place during the first week of December and has been a tradition that has been carried out since 1923. The ceremony can be attended by applying for a free ticket online and involves performances by many celebrities and includes an appearance by the president’s family as well.
Source The ski tree like the name suggests is made of old skis that the residents from Colorado have donated. This Christmas tree lighting is truly quite different and has a different spin to a normal tree lighting ceremony. The tree lighting takes place during the first week of December and usually includes a ceremonial bonfire of old skis to honor the Norse patron of skiers.
5) Rockefeller Center, New York
Source The tree lighting ceremony at the Rockefeller Center has been passed on for decades. It was started in the year 1933 and was held at the world-famous Rockefeller center in new york city. This tree lighting ceremony continues to be one of the world's most famous tree lighting ceremonies. The ceremony is free to be attended by everyone but it is also broadcasted around the world and you can watch it in the comfort of your home. The tree lighting ceremony also involves live performances by various famous artists and much more.
Are you eager to visit a tree lighting ceremony soon? Let us know in the comments.