Now, what does a girl do when her fiance is camera awkward and unwilling?
She does a solo Pre-wedding shoot!
This is when the Quirky Wanderer Bride pre-wedding shoot was conceptualised.

Travel was, of course, my first love. So while I was about to ditch my singlehood, I thought why not celebrate my first love by dedicating a photoshoot to it?

The Unique Concept
The idea of this pre-wedding shoot was to amalgamate my love for architecture, offbeat travel, doors, and colours in a photoshoot that would break preconceived notions and stereotypes around “pre-wedding” shoots. Basically the plan was to be myself and celebrate the traveller in me while ushering in this new phase of life. There are dancing brides, boozing brides, Uber cool brides, smoking brides but here was a travelling bride (just a few days before her wedding) visiting one of her favourite destinations and making it a part of her wedding celebration!

Location That Unravels the Old Tale
Of all the places that seem home and all the places that are so close to my heart, there was one location that had to be finalised. A place that would resonate with my love for the lesser-visited. What better than the place where I first fell in love with doors and arches? I had got my location. It had to be Vrindavan: those chaotic, yet peaceful lanes, those rustic doors, those lost buildings of yesteryear, those rumbling walls that tell a thousand tales. They had to be a part of it all. This is where I first started clicking doors. I would often tell the rickshaw wallahs to slow down as we passed these beauties, so I could click them.
I zeroed in on three locations: Vrindavan, Mathura, and Govardhan. (Each location not very far from each other and each having some distinct features).

The Stunning Floral Prop
I absolutely did not want any planted props that would defeat the purpose and basic idea of this creative pre-wedding shoot. Every picture was clicked in a candid, raw environment: be it a monument, the ghats of Yamuna, or real streets with real homes.

Curation of Dresses
I was short of time. In less than a week, I had to get all my pre-wedding shoot dresses in place with accessories. This was over and above my actual wedding preps. What could I do? Innovate and recycle.A bridal shoot could have sarees or lehengas. I leaned towards lehengas for the ease they provide. (Also the twirls!) The colours had to be vibrant: so I chose my favourites: Red, Orange, and Green.

As a kid, I adored the idea of marriage, it meant new clothes, jewellery, dolling up and living the dream fairy tales and movies fed us with. Then growing up happened and as I travelled and met people I realised how marriage meant different things to different people. To some it was a life goal, for some it meant companionship, for some a social obligation and validation and to some, it still was the feeling of being a princess. Of course, the craze for dolling up had seemingly died down but when your first love is travel and you see arches and minarets and ancient frescos tucked carefully inside them, you cannot help but twirl in happiness.
Finalising the Photographer
As much as I wanted to click myself, it wasn’t practically possible. I knew the locations. I knew the frames. I needed someone to click and record. After rigorous research, I shortlisted Delhi Velvet from Delhi. All these photos are clicked by them.
The overcast skies were dramatic like it would rain any moment. A red and blue boat with an enthusiastic boatman bobbled near the ghats of the Yamuna in Mathura. They revere her like most rivers in India, but she’s hardly alive. Pollution, industries and the likes have throttled her but they worship her nevertheless. Every evening at Vishram ghat locals gather for an aarti with gongs and bells. It isn’t as famed as the Ganga Aarti of Varanasi but the ghats here have a unique character of their own. While people flock to Varanasi, I wanted the essence of Mathura to be in my shoot.
Watch the One-Minute Film!
Society loves setting expectations. Preconceived notions of marriage and stereotypes for couples: something as basic as each couple MUST have a SAVE-THE-DATE photo shoot or you have to let the world know of a couple shoot you had or how simple, intimate weddings are looked down upon. Then there are norms of what a bride should and shouldn’t do. What she should wear, how much makeup she needs to apply, how she needs to talk, the cliche poses she needs to strike and hell no, she cannot be travelling a few days before a wedding. A strict No-No!
The society will always do what it does. Stereotypes will stand tall. All you need to do is Be YOU.
Disclaimer: This is a guest post by Divyakshi Gupta that was originally published here.