Nairobi to Arusha

   Nairobi to Arusha Road Distance 272.3 km
   Nairobi to Arusha Aerial Distance 235 km
  Nairobi to Arusha Travel Time 4 hr 32 min

How to reach Arusha from Nairobi

The easiest way to travel from Nairobi to Arusha is by road, typically using a direct shuttle bus or a private car. Shuttle services such as Riverside Shuttle and Impala Shuttle operate daily between Nairobi and Arusha, covering a distance of approximately 280 kilometers. The trip usually takes about 5 to 6 hours, including time for border crossing at Namanga. For more comfort and flexibility, private car services are also available, though at a higher cost.

Knowing The Details

1. Nairobi to Arusha by Shuttle Bus
2. Nairobi to Arusha by Self Drive Car
3. Nairobi to Arusha by Flight
4. Popular Routes to Arusha
5. Popular Routes from Nairobi
6. Places to Visit in Arusha
7. Hotels in Arusha

Arusha Travel Packages

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1. Nairobi to Arusha by Shuttle Bus

To travel from Nairobi to Arusha by shuttle bus, several companies offer daily services. These shuttles typically run twice a day, with departures from Nairobi in the morning around 8:00 AM and in the afternoon at 2:00 PM. The travel duration is around 5 to 6 hours, depending on traffic and border crossing times. The cost for a one-way trip is approximately $30 to $35 USD (around KES 4,300 to KES 5,000).

Boarding Points in Nairobi: The main boarding points are at the Nairobi city center, particularly at hotels like Silver Springs Hotel or the shuttle company’s office.

Drop-Off Points in Arusha: Common drop-off points include central locations in Arusha, such as hotels or near the bus station.

It is recommended to book your ticket in advance, either through the company’s website or by contacting their offices. The shuttles are comfortable, and the companies usually provide assistance with border formalities at the Namanga border post.

2. Nairobi to Arusha by Self Drive Car

The distance between Nairobi and Arusha is approximately 272 kilometers (168 miles). The drive typically takes 4.5 to 6 hours, depending on traffic and the time spent at the border.

The most common route is via the A104 highway from Nairobi to the Namanga border post, where you’ll cross into Tanzania. After clearing customs and immigration, you’ll continue on the B1 highway, which will take you directly to Arusha.

Border Crossing
You will need to cross the Namanga border post between Kenya and Tanzania. Ensure that you have the necessary documentation, including:
  • A valid passport with at least six months of validity
  • A visa for Tanzania (which can be obtained on arrival or in advance). 
  • Yellow fever vaccination certificate
  • Car insurance valid in Tanzania, which can be purchased at the border
Car Rental: Rental prices vary depending on the type of vehicle. A standard sedan typically costs between KES 6,000 to KES 10,000 per day, while a 4x4 vehicle ranges from KES 10,000 to KES 15,000 per day.
Fuel: Expect fuel costs for the trip to be around KES 4,000 to KES 6,000, depending on your vehicle’s fuel efficiency.

Road Conditions

The roads are generally in good condition, though you may encounter some rough patches near the border and occasionally potholes. The journey offers scenic views of the Rift Valley and Mount Kilimanjaro.

Additional Information
  • Ensure you carry enough cash, as not all areas will have ATMs or mobile money options.
  • Having a local SIM card with data may help with navigation and staying connected.
  • You might also want to stop for a break at the Namanga town on either side of the border.

3. Nairobi to Arusha by Flight

Several airlines operate flights between Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (NBO) in Nairobi and Arusha Airport (ARK). The flight duration is around 1 to 1.5 hours, making it a quicker option compared to road travel.

Some of the airlines that fly this route include: Air Kenya, Precision Air, Safarilink.

Ticket prices for this route typically range from USD 150 to USD 350 (approximately KES 22,000 to KES 51,000), depending on the airline, season, and how early you book your ticket.

Travel Documents: Ensure you have your passport, visa (if applicable), and proof of yellow fever vaccination, as these may be required upon arrival in Tanzania.

Popular Routes to Arusha

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