Chiang-rai to Chiang-mai

   Chiang-rai to Chiang-mai Road Distance 186.4 km
   Chiang-rai to Chiang-mai Aerial Distance 153 km
  Chiang-rai to Chiang-mai Travel Time 3 hr 5 min

How to reach Chiang-mai from Chiang-rai

Traveling between Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai is straightforward and convenient. You have two main options for this journey: take a bus or hire a taxi service. Both options are available, but the most traveled option is taking a bus. Here's our guide on how to travel from Chiang Rai to Chiang Mai.

Knowing The Details

1. Chiang Rai to Chiang Mai by Bus
2. Chiang Rai to Chiang Mai by Taxi
3. Popular Routes to Chiang-mai
4. Popular Routes from Chiang-rai
5. Places to Visit in Chiang-mai
6. Hotels in Chiang-mai

Chiang-mai Travel Packages

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1. Chiang Rai to Chiang Mai by Bus

Distance and Duration
The distance between the two cities is 186km. The bus journey usually takes between 3.5 and 4 hours, depending on traffic and stops. There are three buses between Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai.

They are all operated by the same company: Greenbus, Greenbus Express, and Greenbus VIP. Greenbus is the cheapest, followed by Greenbus Express, and Greenbus VIP is the most expensive. 

Fares and Timings
The cost of bus tickets to Chiang Mai typically ranges from 250 to 450 THB. All the buses depart from Chiang Rai Bus Terminal 1 and drop off at the Chiang Mai bus terminal.3  The first bus leaves at 7:30 in the morning, and the buses run throughout the day until the last bus leaves at 6 in the evening. It is the most preferred way to travel as it offers options for the most comfortable and affordable journey.

2. Chiang Rai to Chiang Mai by Taxi

Traveling from Chiang Rai to Chiang Mai by taxi or private transfer is convenient and offers flexibility and comfort. It only takes 3 hours, and the most common route is along Highways 118 and 1. Depending on your car type, the fares are almost 2,000 to 3,000 THB. Several operators offer services in different types of vehicles.

Popular Routes to Chiang-mai

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Bangkok to Chiang-mai 8 hr 51 min 686.8 km
Chiang-rai to Chiang-mai 3 hr 5 min 186.4 km

Popular Routes from Chiang-rai

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Chiang-rai to Chiang Mai 3 hr 5 min 186.4 km