How to Reach Dharmasthala

Dharmasthala is well connected to the means of railways and airways. The nearest International and Domestic Airport is Mangalore, which is around 50 km away from the location. Nearest railway station is Yedamangala, which is connected by rail to all the major cities of the country. You can board a bus or take a taxi from both these locations to reach Dharmasthala. Connectivity by bus is also regular from all the major nearby locations.

How to reach Dharmasthala by flight

The nearest airport to Dharmsthala, Bajpe Airport (Mangalore) is well connected to all the other major towns in the country. It is an international airport and thus is also accessible to people coming from outside the country to visit the place.

Nearest Airport: Mangalore International Airport (IXE) - 55 kms from Dharmasthala

Search for flights to Mangalore International Airport (IXE)

How to reach Dharmasthala by road

Dharmasthala is connected to all the major towns in Karnataka by the state tourism corporation buses and some private buses as well. Some buses are also available for cities outside the state. You can even drive to Dharmsthala if the distance is suitable.

How to reach Dharmasthala by train

The nearest railway station to Dharmsthala is Yedamangala. It is connected to major towns in Karnataka through the means of the railway. You can even take a train to Mangalore which is a bigger station than the previous one and then take a taxi or a bus to Dharmasthala.

Local transport in Dharmasthala

It is preferred by tourists to have their private vehicle to get around within the city. Government buses and private buses are also available here. Certain sites are best witnessed on foot.

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Dharmasthala Photos

Dharmasthala, Karnataka
Bramha Ratosthava Celebration at Dharmasthala
Dharmasthala Temple
Bahubali Statue

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