How to Reach Dwarka

The nearest airport is Jamnagar, about 137 km away from Dwarka City. Dwarka has its own railway station, trains connecting Dwarka to all major cities (Jamnagar, Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Surat, Mumbai, Goa, etc.) Dwarka is very well connected by road as well.

Most frequently searched routes to Dwarka

Route Name Distance Time
Ahmedabad to Dwarka 929 km 13 hours 46 mins
Delhi to Dwarka 18.1 km 41 mins
Pune to Dwarka 1,448 km 23 hours 41 mins
Mumbai to Dwarka 1,398 km 21 hours 33 mins
Gurgaon to Dwarka 19.8 km 42 mins
Hyderabad to Dwarka 1,560 km 1 day 0 hours
Kolkata to Dwarka 1,482 km 23 hours 9 mins
Bangalore to Dwarka 2,149 km 1 day 7 hours
Jaipur to Dwarka 264 km 4 hours 17 mins
Udaipur to Dwarka 646 km 9 hours 44 mins
Chennai to Dwarka 2,185 km 1 day 9 hours
Jodhpur to Dwarka 587 km 9 hours 11 mins

How to reach Dwarka by flight

The nearest airport to Dwarka is Jamnagar airport which lies at a distance of 127 km from Dwarka. From Jamnagar, the public buses and taxis are easily available.

Nearest Airport: Porbandar Airport (PBD) - 98 kms from Dwarka

Search for flights to Porbandar Airport (PBD)

How to reach Dwarka by road

Dwarka is well-connected with the major cities of Gujarat and other cities of the country.

How to reach Dwarka by train

Dwarka has its own rail head which is well-connected with all the major cities of the country.

Local transport in Dwarka

The city is well connected to by the government bus system. Autos are an easier option, though fixing a rate before hiring one is a good idea. Cycle rickshaws are excellent for reaching places of closer proximity.

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Dwarka Photos

Dwarka, Gujarat
Dwarkadeesh Temple
Dwarkadhish Temple
Nageshwar Jyotirlinga

+ 15

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