Paro to Haa-valley

   Paro to Haa-valley Road Distance 30.3 km
   Paro to Haa-valley Aerial Distance 30 km
  Paro to Haa-valley Travel Time 2 hours

Paro to Haa-valley - How to reach

How to reach Haa-valley from Paro

Haa Valley is located 65 kms away from Paro. The journey can be made by bus or by car. There are no routes between Paro and Haa Valley via flight or trains. The most convenient option would be to travel by car, as it takes only two hours and the timings can be flexible. There are bus services available. However, there is only one bus between these two districts and the schedule is not convenient. The routes, however, are picturesque.

Paro to Haa Valley

There are no routes between Paro and Haa Valley via flight or trains. 

Considering all factors, driving or taking a taxi to Haa Valley from Paro is highly recommended. It takes only 2 hours, as opposed to the 6 hours bus ride. The timings are also as per the convenience of the traveler and not the rigid bus schedule. There is also the added advantage of enjoying the picturesque view at the highest point of the Chele La pass.

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Popular Routes to Haa-valley

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Paro to Haa-valley 2 hours 30.3 km

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