Food of Haldia

The cuisine in Haldia is mainly traditional Bengali cuisine, dominated by preparations of Fish, Rice and Meat. Also one finds strong hints and flavors of spices, popular in the region, such as kalonji, fennel, cumin, black mustard seeds, fenugreek, in the food here.

Here are the top 2 restaurants in Haldia:

1. Golden Harvest Restaurant

City Center, Basudevpur, Haldia 721602, India 

2. New Garden Restaurant

H.I.T Campus; Icare Complex,ÊHaldiaÊ721657, India 
INR 100-300

Haldia Photos

Haldia, West Bengal
Mahishadal Rajbari and Goplajew Temple
Mahishadal Rajbari and Goplajew Temple
Marine Drive, Haldia

+ 10

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