What is the best time to visit Hastings?

The best time to visit Hastings is from the months of November to April. The perfect temperature of 20-25 degrees celsius is ideal for exploring Hastings and its beautiful offerings. The temperature in on reasonable margins, neither too hot nor too cold.

Weather in Hastings


Upcoming Hastings Weather

Monthly Weather in Hastings

Month High/Low (°C) Rain
January 24°/ 13° 2 days
February 26°/ 14° 2 days
March 21°/ 11° 4 days
April 20°/ 9° 1 days
May 19°/ 8° 1 days
June 15°/ 7° 7 days
July 16°/ 7° 6 days
August 16°/ 6° 4 days
September 17°/ 6° 6 days
October 19°/ 8° 8 days
November 23°/ 11° 1 days
December 23°/ 12° 6 days

Hastings Photos

Alexandra Park
Hastings City Art Gallery

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