How to Reach Jog Falls

The nearest airport is at Hubli (130km), whereas the nearest railway station is at Sagara (30km), the nearest city to the Jog Falls. Bus services are also available from the Falls right till the Sagara bus station.

How to reach Jog Falls by flight

The nearest airport Hubli is well connected to all major cities in South India. The nearest international airport is in Mangalore which is well connected to major cities across the country and a few Middle-Eastern countries as well. There are buses plying to both Hubli and Mangalore from Sagara and Shimoga, which are the closest transport hubs for Jog Falls. 

Nearest Airport: Mangalore International Airport (IXE) - 142 kms from Jog Falls

Search for flights to Mangalore International Airport (IXE)

How to reach Jog Falls by road

Jog Falls is well connected to major cities like Bangalore and Mangalore by a network of national highways. You can opt for a bus or cab from these cities to reach Jog Falls.

How to reach Jog Falls by train

The nearest station Shimoga is well connected to Bangalore and Mangalore via regular trains. You can travel via Bangalore and take up a train up to Shimoga or Taluguppa to reach Jog Falls.

Local transport in Jog Falls

Local taxis are preferred.

Jog Falls Photos

Jog Falls, Karnataka

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