Bangkok to Kanchanaburi

   Bangkok to Kanchanaburi Road Distance 124.6 km
   Bangkok to Kanchanaburi Aerial Distance 123 km
  Bangkok to Kanchanaburi Travel Time 1 hr 45 min

How to reach Kanchanaburi from Bangkok

Traveling between Bangkok and Kanchanaburi is straightforward and convenient. The distance is around 122.8 kilometers, and it takes 2-3 hours to reach, depending on your travel type. You have four main options for this journey: taking a bus, taking a train, taking a minivan, or opting for a private transfer. You can travel by all options, but the most traveled option is taking a bus or minivan from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi. Here's our guide on how to travel from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi.

Knowing The Details

1. Bangkok to Kanchanaburi by Bus
2. Bangkok to Kanchanaburi by Minivans
3. Bangkok to Kanchanaburi by Train
4. Bangkok to Kanchanaburi by Taxi
5. Popular Routes to Kanchanaburi
6. Popular Routes from Bangkok
7. Places to Visit in Kanchanaburi
8. Hotels in Kanchanaburi

Kanchanaburi Travel Packages

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1. Bangkok to Kanchanaburi by Bus

Busy from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi is a good choice because trips are affordable. 

Duration and Timings
The buses run throughout the day, starting at 5 in the morning and going on till 8:00 p.m. There is a bus available every 30 minutes. The time taken is approximately 2.5 to 4 hours, depending upon traffic conditions. 

Boarding Points
Buses usually leave from the Southern terminal, Mochit new van terminal, and reach Kanchanaburi bus station. Kanchanaburi Express and Win Happy are two major bus operators who run more than 50 trips daily. 

The bus fares usually range from approximately 100 to 400 THB. Only seating options are available. To avoid last-minute hassle, you should reach the bus station 30 minutes before the scheduled departure.

The route from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi typically follows Highway 4, which involves traveling southwest from Bangkok towards Nakhon Pathom province, passing through areas like Samut Sakhon and Nakhon Chai Si before reaching Kanchanaburi.

2. Bangkok to Kanchanaburi by Minivans

Taking a Minivan from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi is another quick way to travel between these destinations. Vans are much more comfortable than buses, and several van stations are throughout the city. 

Duration and Timings
The vans run throughout the day, starting at 5 in the morning and going on until 5:00 p.m. There is a van available every 30 minutes. The time is approximately 2-4 hours, depending on traffic conditions.

Boarding Points
Some common pick-up points are Mochit New Van Terminal, Khao San Tara Travel, and Khao San Mama Travel Terminal, which are offered by van operators who drop you off at the Kanchanaburi bus terminal. 

The fares are usually around 170 to 350 THB, Depending on the type of van and seating option you choose.

3. Bangkok to Kanchanaburi by Train

The train from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi is the best and cheapest way to travel there. There are two trains a day from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi, leaving from Thonburi train station, also known as Bangkok Noi Station.

Boarding Points and Duration
Thonburi train station is quiet as it only serves Kanchanaburi and Nam Tok. The train ride takes about 3 hours, and there's only third class with open windows and hard bench seats. You don't need to reserve a seat or a ticket; just arrive at the station, buy your ticket, and find a seat.

Fares and Timings
The train fares are usually approximately 100 THB. The trains from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi depart at 07:50 and 13:55, arriving at 10:25 and 16:24, respectively.

Note: You can reach Thonburi train station by taxi as there is less connectivity to metros here. If you are staying near Khao San Road, it is only a 10-minute walk from here.

4. Bangkok to Kanchanaburi by Taxi

 Taking a taxi from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi is the most expensive and quickest option. Depending on traffic conditions, the trip takes usually 2 hours. 

The fares are usually around 2900 to 7150 THB. Prices may vary depending on the type of car service operator you choose.

Operators like Glassflower, Kim Transfers and Bangkok taxi 24 operate daily between these destinations.

Popular Routes to Kanchanaburi

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Bangkok to Kanchanaburi 1 hr 45 min 124.6 km

Popular Routes from Bangkok

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Bangkok to Hua Hin 2 hr 51 min 198.7 km
Bangkok to Ayutthaya 1 hr 13 min 79.5 km
Bangkok to Kanchanaburi 1 hr 45 min 124.6 km