Krabi to Koh-samui

   Krabi to Koh-samui Road Distance 263.2 km
   Krabi to Koh-samui Aerial Distance 200 km
  Krabi to Koh-samui Travel Time 4 hr 44 min

How to reach Koh-samui from Krabi

Traveling from Koh Samui to Krabi offers many options. You can take a direct flight or opt for combined transportation by bus and ferry or van and ferry. The distance is around 253. 5 km, and it takes about 4 to 6 hours to reach.

Knowing The Details

1. Krabi to Koh Samui by Flight
2. Krabi to Koh Samui by Ferries
3. Krabi to Koh Samui by Road
4. Popular Routes to Koh-samui
5. Popular Routes from Krabi
6. Places to Visit in Koh-samui
7. Hotels in Koh-samui

Koh-samui Travel Packages

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1. Krabi to Koh Samui by Flight

Krabi to Koh Samui by flight is the fastest and most expensive travel method. One daily flight operated by Bangkok Airways departs from Krabi Airport, which is 12 kilometers away, and arrives at Koh Samui International Airport. The journey on the flight is around 55 minutes, and fares range from 3300 to 6600 THB, depending on time, availability, and airline. It is advisable to book the tickets in advance as there are limited places to avoid delays.

2. Krabi to Koh Samui by Ferries

Traveling from Krabi to Koh Samui by ferry is one of the most scenic journeys. 

Journey Duration
The ferry journey from Krabi to Koh Samui typically takes 4-7 hours, depending on factors such as the type of ferry, operator, and sea conditions. High-speed ferries offer a quicker journey than regular ferries, with 3-5 hours of travel time.

Departure Points 
The ferries usually depart from Klong Jilad Pier in Krabi Town, which is easily accessible by Taxis, tuk-tuks, and Songthaews. Some ferries also depart from Ao Nang Pier, which can be reached using buses, minivans, and taxis.

Arrival Points
All the ferries arrive at Nathon Pier, Lipa Noi Pier, and Maenam Pier at Koh Samui.

Cost and Timings
The cost of regular ferries from Krabi to Koh Samui is 600 to 1500 THB, depending upon the type of ferry and availability. They are generally more affordable than high-speed ferries, which can range from approximately 1200 to 2000 THB, depending upon the operator, seat class, etc.The ferries run throughout the day, starting at 8 in the morning, and the last ferry departs at 3.30 in the afternoon.

Ferry Operators
Several ferry operators offer services from Krabi to Koh Samui. The most popular operators include Lomprayah High-Speed Ferries, Seatran Discovery, Songserm Express, and Raja Ferry. These operators provide a range of ferry options, including high-speed catamarans and regular ferries.

3. Krabi to Koh Samui by Road

You can also travel from Krabi to Koh Samui by road—the distance is 270.6 Kilometers, and it takes around 6-8 hours to reach. This mainly is a combination of traveling by road and ferry, where the journey by road takes around 3-4 hours, and the ferry journey takes around 1-2

The route generally starts from Highway 4 (Phet Kasem Road) eastward toward Surat Thani Province, reaching Donsak Pier after transitioning onto Highway 41. Donsak Pier is the departure point for ferries heading to Koh Samui, offering travelers a seamless transition from the road to the sea.

Boarding Points
There are many options for reaching Donsak Pier, from where you can board a ferry. Buses, Minivans, and Taxis are available from Krabi, and they take you to Donsak Pier, where you will get the ferry for Koh Samui.

The fares usually range from 300 to 5000 THB, depending on the vehicle type, ferry operator, and availability.

Operators, including Lomprayah High-Speed Ferries, Seatran Discovery, Songserm Express, etc, offer services.

Popular Routes to Koh-samui

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Bangkok to Koh-samui 11 hr 42 min 763.1 km
Phuket to Koh-samui 6 hr 32 min 344.6 km
Krabi to Koh-samui 4 hr 44 min 263.2 km
Surat Thani to Koh-samui 3 Hours 20 Mins 120 Kms
Chiang-mai to Koh-samui 1,454.7 km
Pattaya to Koh-samui 13 hr 33 min 888.6 km

Popular Routes from Krabi

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Krabi to Phuket 2 hr 43 min 163.1 km
Krabi to Koh Samui 4 hr 44 min 263.2 km
Krabi to Phi Phi Islands 1-2 hrs 40.8 km
Krabi to Koh Phangan 4 hr 38 min 268.5 km