Periyar National Park Images

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Periyar National Park
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A Nephila pilipes spider, also known as the northern golden orb weaver or the giant golden orb weaver, found in the park (Source)
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Hemicordulia asiatica in Periyar National Park (Source)
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Mycalesis patnia junonia in Periyar National Park (Source)
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Bicolored frog (Malabar frog) Clinotarsus curtipes (Source)
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An adult Nilgiri langur in the Periyar National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary (Source)
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Herd of Indian bison, or gaur, at the Periyar Lake (Source)
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Submerged trees in Periyar Lake (Source)
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Spider flower (Cleome hassleriana) in the park (Source)
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Dense riverine forest in Periyar National Park (Source)
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The misty mountain ranges of the Periyar region (Source)
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Periyar Lake (Source)
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Entrance to the tiger reserve (Source)

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