Baku to Lankaran

   Baku to Lankaran Road Distance 250 km
   Baku to Lankaran Aerial Distance 204 km
  Baku to Lankaran Travel Time 3 hours

How to reach Lankaran from Baku

The distance between Baku and Lankaran is approximately 250 kilometers, with various modes of transportation available to cover this distance. By road, the journey typically takes around 3 hours, offering travelers scenic views along the way. You can opt to rent a car for a self-guided road trip or take a private or shared taxi to reach Lankaran. Many tour operators in Baku provide guided day trips to Lankaran. These tours often also include a tour to Lerik.

Knowing The Details

1. Baku to Lankaran by Car
2. Baku to Lankaran by Cab
3. Baku to Lankaran by Bus
4. Popular Routes to Lankaran
5. Popular Routes from Baku
6. Places to Visit in Lankaran
7. Hotels in Lankaran

Lankaran Travel Packages

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1. Baku to Lankaran by Car

There are multiple car rental services available in Baku. It can cost you around 70-90 AZN per day, depending on your choice of car. The fuel charges are not included. Make sure to fill up the car's fuel tank before departing from Baku, as gas stations may be less frequent along the route. Make sure to have a navigation app installed on your phone before embarking on the journey. Although Google Maps is a good option, the Waze app is preferred by the locals in the region.

Via Gobustan
Distance: Approximately 250 km
Time: Around 3 hours
Road Conditions: Well maintained, with smooth asphalt surfaces
Attractions on the Way: Gobustan

2. Baku to Lankaran by Cab

You can book shared or private taxis from Heydar Aliyev International Airport or Taxi terminals across the city. The taxis can also be found outside the Baku International Bus Terminal. Many tour services also provide guided tours to Lankaran. These tours can also club other en-route popular destinations like Gobustan or Lerik depending on the choice of packages.

Shared taxi: AZN 25
Private taxi cost: AZN 100-150
Guided tour: AZN 100-200 per person approximately
Distance: Approximately 250 km
Duration: 3 hours

3. Baku to Lankaran by Bus

There are coach buses and minibusses called marshrutkas running from Baku to Lankaran. They can be boarded at the International Bus Terminal in Baku. It can take you approximately 3-3.5 hours to reach Lankaran by bus, depending on your choice of vehicle. While marshrutkas offer a quicker journey, they can be a bit uncomfortable due to the congested seats. Coach buses, on the other hand, are more comfortable, and have spacious seating. The bus will drop you at Lankaran’s bus terminal which is located on the outskirts of the city. From there you can take a shared ride to the city center.

Distance: 250 Km
Duration: Around 3-3.5 hours
Ticket cost: Around AZN 8.8

Popular Routes to Lankaran

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Baku to Lankaran 3 hours 250 km

Popular Routes from Baku

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Baku to Gabala 4 hours 215 km
Baku to Sheki 4 - 6 hours 360 km
Baku to Ganja 4 - 5 hours 360 km
Baku to Lankaran 3 hours 250 km
Baku to Sumqayit 45 minutes to 1 hour 31 km
Baku to Naftalan 4 - 5 hours 330 km