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Tags : Historical Site
Timings : 6:00 AM - 5:00 PM every day
Entry Fees : Valley of the Nobles (Nakht, Menna & Amenemopet Tombs): EGP 150
Valley of the Nobles (Rekhmire and Sennefer Tombs) EGP 100
Valley of the Nobles (Ramose, Userhet and Khaemhet Tombs): EGP 150
Valley of the Nobles “Khokha area” (Nefer-Ronpet, Nefer-Sekheru, Dhutmosi Tombs): EGP 100
Valley of the Nobles (Khonsu, Userhet, Benia Tombs): EGP 100
Valley of the Nobles (Roy, Shuroy & Amenemopt Tombs):EGP 100
Tickets available at the main ticket office before Medina Habu temple
Located opposite the Ramesseum, these tombs are lesser-known compared to the nearby Valley of the Kings but hold immense historical significance. Over 400 tombs belonging to nobles have been discovered here. It is a collection of ancient burial sites for the elite members of Egyptian society during the Middle and New Kingdoms.
The tombs that are open to the public are divided into groups and must be visited separately. The groups are the Tombs of Khonsu, Userhet and Benia; the Tombs of Menna, Nakht and Amenenope; the Tombs of Ramose, Userhet and Khaemhet; Tombs of Sennofer and Rekhmire; and the Tombs of Neferronpet, Dhutmosi and Nefersekheru. Each of the tombs is unique and offers a different perspective on Egyptian life. The lack of a map makes navigation difficult so we recommend hiring a guide.
Other Important Objective Information : The recommended site is Tombs of Sennofer and Rekhmire(covered in one ticket). Each tomb has tickets sold separately.