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Q. Can we visit Matheran in the end of June?

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Surbhi Parashar

6 years ago
Matheran can be visited all throughout the year. During summer month, the temperature never exceeds 30 degrees Celsius.

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Popular Questions And Answers on Matheran

Q. Is the toy train in Matheran is presently running?

Rohan Padmane

5 years ago
I don't know.
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Q. Is the road to dasturi naka drivable via car.... Or we should take a toy train...? Any idea if toy train is working?


6 years ago
The road till Dasturi Naka is driveable, beyond which you have two options, Walk or take the Toy Train. The Toy Trains are operational since 30th October 2017. Have a Happy Holiday.
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Q. I'm planning a trip to Matheran next week. What kind of woollens do you suggest that I carry?

Sushant Prabhu

6 years ago
It shouldn't be that cold . carry a warmer and make sure you pack light as there is a lot of walking to be done.
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