How to Reach Omkareshwar

The airports closest to Omkareshwar are Indore (77km) and Ujjain (133km). The nearest railway station is 12 km away, but it is not on the mainline and is not connected to the major cities. The nearest major railway station is Indore (77 km). You can also board a bus from Ujjain, Indore or Khandwa.

How to reach Omkareshwar by flight

Devi Ahilyabhai Holkar Airport (Indore) is the nearest airport from Omkareshwar. From there, you could take a train, bus or car to reach Omkareshwar.

Nearest Airport: Devi Ahilyabai Holkar Airport (IDR) - 63 kms from Omkareshwar

Search for flights to Devi Ahilyabai Holkar Airport (IDR)

How to reach Omkareshwar by road

Buses are available from most nearby cities and towns to Omkareshwar.

How to reach Omkareshwar by train

Omkareshwar has its own railway station, known as Omkareshwar Road (Mortakka) Railway Station, which is connected to different cities and towns of India.

Local transport in Omkareshwar

Tourists who arrive at the banks of the river can go across in two ways- by crossing the bridge which connects the temple to the other side of the river or by taking the steamer. Tourists can also travel locally by buses, auto-rickshaws, boats, steamers or taxis.

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Omkareshwar Photos

Omkareshwar, Madhya Pradesh
Omkareshwar Temple 01
Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga temple
Kedareshwar Temple

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