What is the best time to visit Pilanesberg National Park?

The best time to visit Pilanesberg National Park is during the dry season, which spans from May to September. During this time, the weather is cooler, and vegetation is less dense, resulting in better wildlife sightings as animals gather around waterholes, making them easier to spot. The dry season also corresponds with the park's peak season, attracting more visitors and higher accommodation rates.

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More about Best Time to Travel to Pilanesberg National Park


During May, the rainy season comes to a close, resulting in lush greenery and vibrant landscapes in Pilanesberg National Park. The temperatures range from 8°C to 25°C, providing a pleasant climate for visitors. This month offers great opportunities to observe wildlife, including elephants, rhinos, lions, zebras, and various antelope species.

June to August

These months constitute the peak of the dry season, with temperatures ranging from 4°C to 23°C. The arid conditions lead animals to congregate around waterholes, making it an excellent time for game viewing. Visitors can expect to spot the Big Five, giraffes, wildebeests, and various bird species during this period.


With temperatures ranging from 18°C to 28°C, September is an ideal time for wildlife sightings. Many bird species begin nesting, and raptors like the African Fish Eagle are commonly seen. The park remains abundant with wildlife seeking water and food, offering rewarding game-viewing experiences.


The beginning of the rainy season brings lush greenery, newborn animals, and migratory bird species to the park. The temperatures range from 16°C to 32°C, providing comfortable weather for visitors. Visitors can look out for newborn animals, as well as migratory birds, such as European bee-eaters, yellow-billed kites, and Wahlberg's eagles.
Road conditions are generally good, but some roads may become muddy after rain. Vegetation might obstruct visibility, making wildlife spotting a bit challenging.

November to March

The park is abundant with vegetation and water sources during this period, resulting in a lush landscape. However, the high temperatures and heavy rains can make wildlife sightings more difficult.
Although wildlife sightings can be more challenging due to the thick vegetation, the park is still home to various animal species, including the Big Five and numerous bird species. The heavy rainfall can lead to muddy and slippery roads, reducing road accessibility. Thick vegetation might hinder visibility during game drives.

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