How to Reach Puri

Puri is a major railway junction and is well-connected to all the major cities in the country. The nearest airport is in the capital city, Bhubaneshwar which is 56 kms away from Puri. One can hail a taxi from the airport to Puri.

Most frequently searched routes to Puri

Route Name Distance Time
Hyderabad to Puri 1,055 km 17 hours 45 mins
Kolkata to Puri 499 km 8 hours 21 mins
Chennai to Puri 1,236 km 20 hours 15 mins
Delhi to Puri 1,764 km 1 day 6 hours
Bangalore to Puri 1,443 km 1 day 0 hours
Ahmedabad to Puri 1,765 km 1 day 7 hours
Mumbai to Puri 1,722 km 1 day 6 hours
Varanasi to Puri 959 km 18 hours 18 mins
Jodhpur to Puri 2,000 km 1 day 10 hours
Pune to Puri 1,641 km 1 day 3 hours
Jaipur to Puri 1,786 km 1 day 7 hours

How to reach Puri by flight

Although Puri does not have its own air base, the nearest airport is at Bhubaneshwar and is only at a distance of 68 Km.

Nearest Airport: Biju Patnaik International Airport (BBI) - 49 kms from Puri

Search for flights to Biju Patnaik International Airport (BBI)

How to reach Puri by road

Buses are available from Vishakhapatnam, Kolkata, Bhubaneshwar.

How to reach Puri by train

Puri lies along the Calcutta-Chennai line and most of the trains stop here. Therefore, it is each to reach the Puri Railway Station via train.

Local transport in Puri

Travelling within the city is facilitated by various modes of transport like cycle-rickshaw, auto-rickshaw and hired motorbikes. Cycle rickshaws are the most economical option. The meters of the auto rickshaws usually don't work so you know how to strike a bargain and hired motorbikes come at the cost of 400-500 rupees per day.

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Puri, Orissa
Sri Jagannath Puri Temple
Raghurajpur Artist Village
Sri Jagannath Puri Temple

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