Jaisalmer to Pushkar

   Jaisalmer to Pushkar Road Distance 461 km
   Jaisalmer to Pushkar Aerial Distance 365 km
  Jaisalmer to Pushkar Travel Time 7 hours 21 mins

How to reach Pushkar from Jaisalmer

Jaisalmer and Pushkar are separated by a total distance of around 453 kms. There are several ways through which you can travel from one place to the other. Since there is no airport in Pushkar, you can take a flight from Jaisalmer to Ajmer which is the next nearest airport. There are also no direct trains available from Jaisalmer to Pushkar. So again, you can take a train to Ajmer. From Ajmer, there are several buses available that can take you to Pushkar. Alternatively, you can also choose to travel in a bus or hire a private cab or taxi. We have compiled an elaborate list of transport options from Jaisalmer to Pushkar. Read on to find out more.

Knowing The Details

1. Jaisalmer to Pushkar in Flight and Bus
2. Jaisalmer to Pushkar in Train and Bus
3. Jaisalmer to Pushkar in Bus
4. Jaisalmer to Pushkar in Car
5. Popular Routes to Pushkar
6. Popular Routes from Jaisalmer
7. Places to Visit in Pushkar
8. Hotels in Pushkar

Pushkar Travel Packages

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1. Jaisalmer to Pushkar in Flight and Bus

Jaisalmer Airport

Since there is no airport in Pushkar, you can take a flight to the next nearest airport that is in Jaipur. Although there is an airport in Ajmer, there are no flights that fly on the route. Even in the Jaipur Airport, there are very few direct flights that fly between , most of these are Stop Over or Via flights. Major flight operators on the route are Indigo, Trujet and Spicejet. Have a look at the flight details.
Departure Airport: Jaisalmer Airport
Arrival Airport: Jaipur Airport
Starting Ticket Fares: INR 2601
Approx. Time Taken: 1 hour and 25 minutes
Once you land in Jaipur, Pushkar is just 150 kms away. You can take a direct bus to reach Pushkar from Jaipur. Several buses run on the route.
Starting Ticket Fares: INR 237
Approx. Time Taken: 3 hours to 4 hours

2. Jaisalmer to Pushkar in Train and Bus

Jaisalmer Railway Station

There are no direct trains available from Jaisalmer to Pushkar. However, you can take a train from Jaisalmer to Ajmer that is the nearest railway station. However, there is only one train that runs on the route. Have a look at the details.

Train 1: Ranikhet Exp

Boarding Station: Jaisalmer
Deboarding Station: Ajmer Jn
Departure Time: 12:55 AM
Arrival Time: 12:00 PM
Starting Ticket Fares: INR 190
Approx. Time Taken: 11 hours and 5 minutes
Frequency of Train: All Days
Once you get down at Ajmer, Pushkar is just 15 kms away. You can hire a cab or there are also several public service options near the railway station like minibuses and shared jeeps, that can take you to Pushkar.

3. Jaisalmer to Pushkar in Bus

Jaisalmer Bus Stand

One of the most convenient ways to travel from Jaisalmer to Pushkar is in a bus. However, there are very few direct buses that run on the route. Here’s sharing details of three buses that run directly from Jaisalmer to Pushkar. Have a look.

Bus 1: Chouhan Travels

Boarding Point: Air Force Circle
Deboarding Point: Pushkar
Departure Time: 9:20 AM
Arrival Time: 6:15 PM
Starting Ticket Fare: 420
Approx. Time Taken: 8 hours and 55 minutes

Bus 2: Swagat Travels

Boarding Point: Air Force Circle
Deboarding Point: Bus Stand Pushkar
Departure Time: 5:15 PM
Arrival Time: 3:05 AM
Starting Ticket Fare: 5000
Approx. Time Taken: 9 hours and 50 minutes

Bus 3: Hanuman Travels

Boarding Point: Air Force Circle
Deboarding Point: Pushkar
Departure Time: 7:45 PM
Arrival Time: 4:35 AM
Starting Ticket Fare: 750
Approx. Time Taken: 8 hours and 50 minutes

4. Jaisalmer to Pushkar in Car

Ajmer Pushkar Route

You can also travel from Jaisalmer to Pushkar in a car. Although the journey can be a little taxing and long, it is going to be a good road trip experience nevertheless. You can hire a private cab or taxi to travel from one place to another or you can choose to drive down on your own. The distance of 453 kms can be covered in around 8 to 9 hours. The cab fares for the start from INR 3600 and go up depending on the time schedule and the type of vehicle you choose.

Popular Routes to Pushkar

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Ajmer to Pushkar 40 mins 15.3 km
Jaipur to Pushkar 2 hours 32 mins 145 km
Delhi to Pushkar 7 hours 1 min 414 km
Jaisalmer to Pushkar 7 hours 21 mins 461 km
Udaipur to Pushkar 4 hours 42 mins 280 km
Gurgaon to Pushkar 6 hours 7 mins 375 km

Popular Routes from Jaisalmer

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Jaisalmer to Udaipur 8 hours 21 mins 490 km
Jaisalmer to Jodhpur 4 hours 57 mins 286 km
Jaisalmer to Mount Abu 7 hours 54 mins 442 km
Jaisalmer to Ahmedabad 9 hours 11 mins 535 km
Jaisalmer to Pushkar 7 hours 21 mins 461 km
Jaisalmer to Jaipur 9 hours 3 mins 559 km