What is the best time to visit Ratnapura?

Ratnapura receives rainfall almost throughout the year. The best time to visit Ratnapura is from January to March when the average rainfall is at its minimum, and you can visit the city's gem mines and waterfalls without worrying about the weather. For an opportunity to watch the procession and witness the streets of Ratnapura come alive, visit the city in September.

Weather in Ratnapura


Upcoming Ratnapura Weather

Monthly Weather in Ratnapura

Month High/Low (°C) Rain
January 33°/ 21° 14 days
February 34°/ 21° 14 days
March 35°/ 22° 20 days
April 33°/ 23° 27 days
May 31°/ 23° 25 days
June 30°/ 23° 25 days
July 30°/ 23° 19 days
August 29°/ 23° 31 days
September 29°/ 23° 28 days
October 30°/ 22° 31 days
November 31°/ 22° 27 days
December 31°/ 22° 28 days

Ratnapura Photos

Ratnapura, Sri Lanka
Maha Saman Dewalaya
Kalthota Doowili Ella Falls

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