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Tags : Hot Spring
Time Required : 10:00 AM - 8:30 PM
Waikite Valley Thermal Pools, established in 1972, are a complex of 10 different pools. 'Living water' of the Te Manarola spring can be experienced here. Te Manaroa spring is the largest single source of 100% pure boiling water in New Zealand. This water, naturally laden with calcite and sulphur free, comes directly from the depths of the earth.
Each pool is drained and refilled with clean, pure water daily. No, where else is found such a pure bathing experience in New Zealand. Water for the pool comes straight from the spring and is cooled to 35-38°C before entering the pool. The 100% natural thermal water is neither chemically treated nor is it filtered or recycled back into the collections. The private spas allow the visitors to control the temperature of the pools. An informative Eco-trail to the Te Manaroa spring gives an insight into flora and fauna of the region.