Rukhobod Mausoleum

Rukhobod Mausoleum, Samarkand Overview

The Rukhabad Mausoleum, constructed in 1380 under the orders of Amir Timur, stands as a tribute to the revered Islamic scholar and mystic, Sheikh Burhaneddin Sagaradzhi. Its unique architecture features an arched octahedron supported by a cubic base and crowned by a dome structure. Inside, the decoration is simple, highlighted by a two-meter ceramic plate with glazed brick inserts forming a narrow band along the wall foundation.

The mausoleum houses the tombs of Sheikh Sagaradzhi, his wife, a chinese princess, and their nine children. It is said that a lock of the hair of the Prophet Muhammad was buried with the remains of the saint. It is located near the famous Gur Amir Mausoleum and its single domed structure which is built of bricks stands as a simpler architecture in comparison to the grand Gur Amir.

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