Weather :

Tags : Beach

Nearest City : Half Moon Bay

Nearest transit hub : State Route 1

Parking : Yes

Amenities : Picnic tables
Tide pools

Restrooms : Yes

Prohibitions : Dogs are allowed on leash
Camping is not allowed
Collecting natural items from beach is prohibited
Fireworks are prohibited
Drones are prohibited
Beach fires are not allowed

Ways to Experience this attraction

Montara State Beach, San Francisco Overview

One of the cleanest beaches by the Pacific Ocean, the Montara State Beach is located half mile north from Half Moon Bay. A mile-long beach popular for fishing and tide pooling can be accessed from two points on Highway 1. Out of the two points, the northern side leading to this land stretch is also called as Devil’s Side because of the steep stairs that awaits the visitors. The southern side on the other hand has a comfortable staircase for the visitors to step on. Lined with Montara mountains, hills and cliffs, the beach houses a multitude of wild and coastal lives.

You can dive into the mountains for a hike to view nature and wildlife along with a beautiful view of the sun plummeting into the ocean’s horizon. Get ready to surf the waves on this hugely celebrated beach among the surfers. It also has a lighthouse as one of the many attractions. You can plan an overnight stay in this ancient lighthouse by the clear water as it has been used as a hostel for many years now. The tide pools and the clean sand spread across the beach makes the place ideal for sunbathing and picnic amidst gorgeous mountain-lined surroundings.

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