Best Time To Visit Sandakan

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Ideal duration: 1-2 Days

Best Time: December to February Read More

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What is the best time to visit Sandakan?

The best time visit Sandakan is during the winter, from December to February. The average high temperature is between 30.8 and 29.2 degrees Celius, and it experiences a great deal of precipitation. This is also the busiest time of the year with tourism. The hottest month in Sandakan is May, followed by June and April. December, followed by November and June are the busiest months in terms of tourism which may result in higher lodging and accommodation prices. Given that May is the hottest, it is slowest for tourism and those looking for deals can visit Sandakan in May.

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Sandakan Photos

A tank ship for the transportation of edible oil.
Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre