How to Reach Sattal

The nearest airport from Sattal lies at Pantnagar, which is 61 km away. Whereas the nearest railway station is at Kathgodam located at a distance of 32 km from Sattal. There are cab services available to reach Sattal.

How to reach Sattal by flight

Since there is no airport in Sattal, tourists have to rely on the nearest airport. Pantnagar's airport is the closest airport to Sattal. It is at a distance of 61 km from Sattal. You can take a taxi from the airport to reach Sattal.

Nearest Airport: Dehradun - 180 kms from Sattal

Search for flights to Dehradun

How to reach Sattal by road

Sattal has well-built roads, but it has no bus connectivity. If you want to travel by bus, you can take a bus to Nainital or any other major Kumaon city. From the bus stand, you can hire a cab to cover the distance up to Sattal. Otherwise, you can hire a taxi service right from your city and drive to Sattal.

How to reach Sattal by train

There is no railway station in Sattal, but if you want to travel by train, then Kathgodam railway station is the nearest one (located at a distance of 32 km). From that railway station, you can take a taxi to Sattal.

Local transport in Sattal

Sattal, located in the vicinity of so many popular hill stations and being a popular one itself has taxi as its main form of transportation. However, the area is quite prone to landslides duirng rainy season, so plan your trip accordingly.

Sattal Photos

Sattal, Uttarakhand
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