Mumbai to Shillong- Road Distance | 2,827.2 km |
Mumbai to Shillong- Aerial Distance | 2,053 km |
Mumbai to Shillong- Travel Time | 55 Hours |
Mumbai to Shillong distance is around 2725 km. Shillong doesn't have a train station, and the closest station is Guwahati, at a distance of 70 km from Shillong. There are no non-stop flights or a train or even a bus service between Mumbai and Shillong. The most convenient and quickest way to reach from Mumbai to Shillong is to take a flight from Mumbai to Guwahati then take a car from Guwahati to Shillong. The least expensive way to reach Shillong from Mumbai is to take a train from Mumbai to Guwahati then hire a vehicle from Guwahati and reach Shillong within a few hours.
Important Routes | Time Taken | Distance |
Kolkata to Shillong- | 22 hours 24 mins | 1,078 km |
Delhi to Shillong- | 1 day 10 hours | 2,006 km |
Hyderabad to Shillong- | 1 day 21 hours | 2,543 km |
Chennai to Shillong- | 2 days 0 hours | 2,724 km |
Bangalore to Shillong- | 2 days 4 hours | 2,931 km |
Mumbai to Shillong- | 2 days 0 hours | 2,867 km |
Important Routes | Time Taken | Distance |
Mumbai to Goa | 9 hours 49 mins | 583 km |
Mumbai to Coorg | 17 hours 3 mins | 1,026 km |
Mumbai to Lonavala | 1 hour 35 mins | 84 km |
Mumbai to Panchgani | 4 hours 13 mins | 242 km |
Mumbai to Pondicherry | 19 hours 51 mins | 1,298 km |
Mumbai to Shirdi | 4 hours 17 mins | 241 km |