Darling Harbour Images

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Darling Harbour
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An aerial view of Darling Harbour and its surrounds, looking east (Source)
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Darling Harbour as an industrial port in 1900 (Source)
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Redevelopment and urban renewal of the area in the early 1980s (Source)
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The heritage listed Pyrmont Bridge spans the width of the harbour (Source)
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The southern end of Darling Harbour (Source)
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The Ribbon (Source)
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The former Harbourside Shopping Centre (Source)
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King Street Wharf, looking north towards Barangaroo in October 2019. (Source)
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Darling Quarter has been the focus of a major mixed-use redevelopment in recent years (Source)
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The International Convention Centre and the Sofitel Hotel (Source)
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Darling Square (Source)
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Darling Harbour from the National Maritime Museum, looking towards King Street Wharf 3. The area is a major tourist attraction (Source)

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