Tawau Tourist Map

All attractions in Tawau

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  • 1. Tawau Hills National Park
  • 2. Tawau Bell Tower
  • 3. Teck Guan Cocoa Museum
  • 4. Maliau Basin Conservation Area
  • 5. Ulu Kalumpang Forest Reserve
  • 6. Tawau Hot Spring
  • 7. Tawau Centre Bazar
  • 8. Pasar Tanjung Tawau

Tawau Photos

Tawau Bell Tower is the oldest standing structure of the town
Confrontational Memorial in Tawau is dedicated to the soldiers who lost their lives fighting for the country
Teck Guan Cocoa Museum is a one-of-a-kind cocoa museum and factory in Tawau

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