The best options for exploring the country include buses and cars, though the transport infrastructure is not fully developed and it can get really difficult to reach certain places. There are numerous Indonesian styled vans (Bemos) and minibuses (Mikrolets) that operate between many parts of the country, connecting the cities of Dili, Los Palos, Baucau and Maliana. Mikrolets are the best means for travelling between the districts, the buses are numbered following a specified route. Taxis are the best means for exploring Dili, they are quite cheap and widely available. Car rentals are easily available in the city, however driving in the city is not so easy.
Ferries connect Dili to the neighbouring Atauro Islands and Oekusi. Even though there are airports in Baucau, Suai and Oekusi, there is no domestic air travel service in the country yet.
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