The Puerta del Cambrón, also known as the Cambrón Gate, is a historic city gate located in the western part of Toledo, Spain.Historically, it has also been referred to as the "Gate of the Jews" due to its proximity to the Jewish Quarter, and the "Gate of Saint Leocadia," honoring Toledo's patron saint. Notably, the interior façade houses a statue of Saint Leocadia, attributed to the sculptor Juan Bautista Monegro. Puerta del Cambrón is the only gate in Toledo that accommodates motor traffic, serving as a functional passageway.
Its name is believed to derive from the cambrón plant (a type of thorn bush) that once grew atop its towers. The current Renaissance-style structure was reconstructed in 1576 over the remains of a Visigothic gate. It features a square floor plan with two pairs of towers and dual arches, constructed using stone and brick materials. The gate has been recognized as a Bien de Interés Cultural, underscoring its importance in Spanish cultural heritage.