Whale Watching Images

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Whale Watching
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Ecotour guide stands on a kayak spotting dolphins and manatees, around Lido Key (Source)
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Common minke whale spy hopping, Azores (Source)
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Blue whale with calf, lafsvk, Iceland (Source)
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Resident Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins at Mikura-jima (Source)
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Humpback whale illustration from the Edo period, 18th-19th century (Source)
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Orca near Tysfjorden, Norway (Source)
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Whale watching business in Saint Andrews, New Brunswick. (Source)
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Southern right whale, offshore from Cheynes, Western Australia (Source)
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A couple of humpback whales spotted off the Gold Coast, Queensland (Source)
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Whale watching in Kaikoura, December 2000 (Source)
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Watching orcas in Monterey Bay. (Source)
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Humpback whale species in Uramba Baha Mlaga National Natural Park, in Colombia, considered the favorite place for whales give birth to their young, making it a tourist destination (Source)
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Watching famous whale, Ludo, at Valdes peninsula (Source)
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Estuary of St. Lawrence River, whale watching near Tadoussac, Quebec (Source)
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A humpback breaching in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. This is a behavior commonly seen in the area. (Source)
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Brydes whale breaching in Baia de Castelhanos, north of So Paulo, Brazil (Source)
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Brydes whale in False Bay, South Africa (Source)
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Whale watching in El Vizcano, with people trying to enter in contact with the animal. This practice is not recommended by most whale watchers (Source)
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An example of being too close (Source)
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Whale watching operator giving a talk about whales and their conservation (Source)
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Humpback whale and brown pelicans off Avila Beach, California (Source)
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Humpback whales and California sea lions in Monterey Bay, 2013 (Source)
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Whale watching off the coast of Bar Harbor, Maine (Source)
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Whale watching boats in Icy Strait Point, Alaska (Source)

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