Udupi Questions & Answers

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Q. They have restaurant?


6 years ago
Yes, Udupi has Restaurants. Udupi is a well-known place for its restaurants and the delicious flavours of South Indian Cuisine.
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Dr. Mukund Deshmukh

on Krishna Temple 2 years ago
Visited temple on Kamada Ekadashi. Weekday is good time to visit. Sought the blessings of Lord. Unexpected disappointment as devotees must seek darshan of lord through window only. No prasadam on eka (Read More)dashi. Therefore, resolve to visit next on days other than ekadashi.

Rudratandav N

on St. Mary's Island 6 years ago
Apart from the rocky beach, perfect for a game of hide & seek with friends and a great sunset with a date, Its too boring for a solo traveler to spend 300 bucks for boat ride to the island. The s (Read More)ea walk on the malpe beach is a much better option.

rinu antony

on Malpe Beach 6 years ago
It was an amazing island. many peoples are coming over there even foreigners.visiting time from 9 am to 4 pm. boat rates 250 to 300 depends boats..nothing other entry fee to island. only snack food o (Read More)nly available there in island..so u must fill your belly before getting into boat...haha...volcanic rocks are there and that's a beauty scene.....

Nehad Zein

6 years ago
Udupi is a district that features hundreds of temples and numerous beaches within its relatively short radius. The beaches are serene, frequently complemented by pink skies, especially during sunset (Read More)and sunrise. The town of Udupi is well known for its cultural heritage, especially for how it has maintained its authenticity over the few years despite epic modernization happening just a few kilometers away in Manipal. Its contemporary, just like the cuisine which although primarily vegetarian is tantalizing for your taste-buds.

Muhammed Salih

on Manipal 5 years ago
Manipal is now known as a student's city as it is an education hub and provides everything a student might need. With Hill Stations and Beaches really nearby, it ups the ante for people to visit or j (Read More)ust come to study. Agumbe Hill station is just an hour and a half away, most of the beaches are just 30 minutes away from the city.

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