National Museum Yangon

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Tags : Museum

Ideal time : 1 to 2 hours

Ticket details : 5000 Kyat or 3 USD

Opening hours : 9:30 AM to 5 PM, Closed on Mondays and on public holidays

National Museum Yangon, Yangon Overview

The National Museum is located in Dagon region in the city of Yangon in Myanmar. It is one of the two major national museums in the country dedicated to the Burmese art, history and culture. Spreading over five-storeys, the museum has massive collections in all these, making it one of the top attractions for people visiting Yangon to get to know the country well.

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National Museum Yangon History & Significance

The National Museum in Yangon was established in 1952, just after a few years of Burma's independence. At the time of its beginning, the collections were held at the Jubilee Hall Building, and have been moved twice over time, to where it was finally expanded into a full-fledged museum housing a wide range of collections.

Museum collections

There are over five thousand permanent collections in the museum, and there are temporary themed exhibitions held periodically.  The five-storeys are categorised into history, culture, art and inscriptions. 

Ancient Burmese history is extensively covered, right from the earlier Burmanese dynasties to world wars until and after colonization, which can be learnt through works of art, inscriptions and memorabilia.  The Lion Throne belonging to the 15th-century is one of the main attractions in the museum.

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