Tarin Fish Farm, nestled within Bulla village, stands as a prominent attraction in Ziro, inhabited by the Apatani tribes. This farm offers a unique spectacle, showcasing the traditional Apatani farming practice of cultivating two varieties of rice, Mipya and Emoh, alongside a breed of fish called Ngihi. Spanning across 7.4 hectares, the farm was established under the North Eastern Council (NEC) in 1985-86, embodying the rich agricultural heritage of the region.
Accessing Tarin Fish Farm involves a trek of approximately 3.5 kilometers from Hapoli, providing visitors with an opportunity to immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the surroundings. Upon arrival, guests can witness the harmonious coexistence of rice cultivation and fish farming, gaining insights into the sustainable agricultural practices upheld by the Apatani tribes for generations.
While exploring Tarin Fish Farm, visitors can also venture into Hapoli town to admire the scenic vistas of the neighboring hills, adding another dimension to their cultural and natural exploration of Ziro Valley.