Reviews about Kerala

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Akshobhya Abhigyan

4 years ago
Kerala is the best state in India in terms of tourism. You have every thing-beaches, hill stations, modern cities, historical monuments and so on..

Akshobhya Abhigyan

4 years ago
Kerala is beautiful, serene and generally harmonious. Geographically Kerala is heaven of lush greenery which is found in abundance. It's a tourist hot-spot and also one of the top ranked sates in Ind (Read More)ia.

Rohit Shroff

6 years ago
Kerala is no doubt the most beautiful state in India if you are looking for amazing beaches, culture, hill stations and amazing nightlife. Located in the southern part of India, Kerala can be travell (Read More)ed by local transport quite easily as the train and bus connectivity is great. You can also enjoy great festivals and food here in Kerala.

arpit ThCk

4 years ago
Kerala is beautiful, serene and generally harmonious. Geographically Kerala is heaven of lush greenery which is found in abundance. It's a tourist hot-spot and also one of the top ranked sates in Ind (Read More)ia.

Rohit Shroff

5 years ago
Kerala is just fantastic in the monsoons. The whole state becomes very green and fresh.

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Q. I want to stay in Kerala for 1 month to travel all destinations of state.. Do u have any such kind of monthly package?

antharyamin yoga

1 year ago
Yes ,in addition to travelling you can also pick up one or two skills that is exclusive to Kerala like Kalaripayattu or Ayurvedic cooking.
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Q. Are monsoons a good time to visit Kerala? I'm planning a trip around August


6 years ago
Kerala experiences heavy downpours during the Monsoon from June to August. This time is not recommended for travellers who plan on exploring all the beauty of God's own Country. Some travellers who e (Read More)njoy the arduous roads to nature at its best can make plans in August, but it is not recommended as a result of the floods and landslides of August 2018.
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Q. Kerala tour cost?

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