Switzerland, in the heart of Europe, offers the locals and the tourists a sight so surreal that it almost feels like heaven. The country consists of beautiful mountains, lakes, scenic beauty, and exciting adventure but there is more to it that is lesser known than the commons. This article explores the fascinating facts which remain unnoticed in the light of these gorgeous attractions. Come along on a journey with us as we reveal various amazing facts about this alluring nation:
1. Switzerland Produces Half of the World's High-end Timepieces
The luxury watch market is significantly dominated by Switzerland's watch industry, as Switzerland has a long history of creating high-quality watches and is known for its watchmaking sector. Swiss companies produce names like Tissot, TAG Heuer, Rolex, Patek Philippe, and Longines.
2. Switzerland Has the Highest Consumption of Chocolates and Confectionary Items
Switzerland is recognized around the world for its great chocolate consumption and confections of the finest quality. The Swiss have certainly perfected the art of making delightful sweets that captures the taste buds of chocolate enthusiasts throughout the world. Their history is intricately entwined with that of chocolate.
3. Switzerland Is Known for Its World-famous Production of Notable Cheese
Switzerland is well known around the globe for its superb cheeses. High-quality Swiss cheeses are produced as a result of the nation's long history of cheese production. Swiss cheeses are renowned for their different tastes and textures. These cheeses are a benchmark of excellence in the culinary world due to their precise production and high-quality requirements.
4. Switzerland Has Four Official Languages Including German, French, Italian, and Romansh
Switzerland has four official languages including German, French, Italian, and Romansh. The majority of people in Switzerland speak German, which is the most extensively spoken language in the country and Romansh is the least known and used language of Switzerland but is a part of the culture through education.
5. Assisted Suicide Is Legal in Switzerland (Following the Specific Regulations and Guidelines)
Assisted suicide refers to a situation where a person suffering from a terminal illness receives support to terminate their life freely, from a doctor or another individual. It entails giving someone the tools or information necessary to intentionally cause death by allowing them to self-administer a deadly number of drugs. This takes place on compassionate grounds and is abided by the law.
6. Animals Are Also Represented by Attorneys in Swiss Courts as a Part of Animal Welfare
Switzerland, as a country, is very much supportive of animal welfare. This is the reason why animals in Switzerland also have a lawyer who is appointed by the animal welfare organizations or the court itself, who is responsible for making the animal voices and interests clear during legal proceedings.
7. Switzerland Has a Square Flag
There are only two countries that have square flags, one is the Vatican City and another one is Switzerland. The flag has a red background and a white cross over it which depicts Switzerland’s neutrality and independence.
8. The Sonnenberg Tunnel Which Is the World’s Largest Nuclear Shelter, Is in Switzerland
It is a long motorway tunnel and also is the world’s largest civilian nuclear fallout shelter which is designed to protect around 20,000 citizens in case of any war or nuclear explosions.
9. Clear Energy
Switzerland is ahead of all countries when it comes to embracing sustainable energy options. It has tapped into the power of water to produce a sizeable amount of its electricity because of the number of lakes and rivers in the country and also promotes the use of renewable energy sources like hydroelectricity, wind, and solar energy. In its initiatives to cut greenhouse gas emissions and advance a more environmentally friendly future, Switzerland has demonstrated its dedication to clean energy.
10. Strict Laws Exist Around Owning Pets
Switzerland takes care of not only the citizens but also their pets. Swiss laws ensure that pets are safe, secure, and well-protected by the regulations of the country. Only those people can have pets who are equipped enough to provide them with their basic needs like proper food, shelter, exercise, etc. The laws promote the well-being of the pets and any cruelty against pets is a strictly punishable offense.
11. To Obtain Citizenship, One Must Live in Switzerland for 10 Years
Generally, in order to be eligible to petition for citizenship, a candidate must have lived in Switzerland for at least 10 years. The candidate must have successfully assimilated into Swiss culture, showed competence in one of the official languages (German, French, Italian, or Romansh), and demonstrated a dedication to Swiss traditions and ideals during this period. (It's important to note that specific criteria may differ between Swiss cantons (states), as each canton is free to set its own naturalization laws.)
12. Switzerland Has The Lowest Crime and Unemployment Rates
Switzerland provides high-quality education to the citizens and almost all of the population is specialized in their field of knowledge. Also, the country has a prosperous economy leading to better and high-paying employment opportunities and the lowest crime rate.
13. Home to Highest Railway Station in Europe
Junfrajoch railway station is the highest railway station in the world which is at 3454 meters on top of Switzerland.
14. The President and Vice-president Hold Office for a Year.
In Switzerland, the Federal Assembly, the nation's federal legislature, elects the President and Vice-President. The Federal Assembly selects the President and Vice-President from among its members each year. The President is the head of state for a year and occupies the highest post in the nation. The Vice-President assists the President in carrying out their responsibilities and fills in for them when they are unable to do so.
15. Has World’s Longest Railway Tunnel
The Gotthard Railway Tunnel is based in Switzerland. It took 17 years to get completed and start running. It is 57 km-long (35 miles) in length. It was formally launched for regular rail service in December 2016 and has greatly enhanced connectivity and mobility in the area. This railway tunnel directly connects northern and southern Switzerland as it runs beneath the Swiss Alps.
16. The People of Switzerland Vote Four times a Year
There is a direct democracy in Switzerland which allows the citizens to take part in choosing the president and president, through their votes. Voting happens for almost every important purpose and takes place approximately four times a year on different issues.
17. Child Names in Switzerland First Need to Be Approved
The civil register office must first approve any baby names in Switzerland. It gets complicated if you create names. The child's best interests are what ultimately matter, therefore strange or absurd names are viewed as illogical. The name "Lexikon" was forbidden to a Swiss musician's daughter. These rules are in place to make sure that the selected name does not violate a child's rights or damage them in any way.
18. Switzerland Has the World’s Longest Staircase
This staircase has 11,674 steps and is at the very top. It is permanently closed to the public except one time of the year when it is open for sightseeing during a public run.
19. Swiss Meat Is Amongst the Most Expensive Meats in the World
One of the main causes of the high price of meat is strict restrictions. Since Switzerland has strict laws governing environmental protection and animal welfare, farmers and producers are obligated to abide by these laws, which drives up production costs and, as a result, raises the price of meat on the market. Also, the good quality of the meat adds up to the prices.
20. Sundays Are Complete Rest Days
Sundays are meant to be for family time and recreation. Activities like carpentry, painting, laundry, hammering, and none of the other noisy or effort-taking activities take place. All the shops and stores are closed on Sundays.
21. Military Service Is Mandatory in Switzerland
While moving across Switzerland, visitors may spot a lot of military training camps. This is because military training is compulsory for male citizens of Switzerland right from the age of 18 till they turn 44. Males above 18 are required to enroll continuously in military courses as, if one gets completed, they have another one to be a part of. Female citizens are most welcome to volunteer the services.
22. Europe’s Longest Glacier Is in Switzerland
Aletsch Glacier is the alp’s largest and longest glacier which covers an area of 66 square miles and is large enough to be divided into three different branches named, Great Aletsch, Middle Aletsch, and Upper Aletsch.
23. Lsd Was First Made by a Chemist in Switzerland
LSD was not prepared with planning. Albert Hoffman, at Sandoz Laboratories in Basel, first synthesized it unknowingly as part of a large research project searching for ergot alkaloid derivatives which are medically suitable.
24. Switzerland Has the Highest Gun Ownership
This usually feels ironic at first glance as the country having the least crime rate has the highest ownership of guns in the world. This ownership is for the continuous military service by the male citizens and once the service is completed, the trainees are supposed to take the pistols home, unloaded.
25. The Famous Formula of Albert Einstein Was Developed by Him in Switzerland
E = mc2 was the formula that Albert Einstein gave about the mass and energy developed by him when he was studying in Bern.
Switzerland is a fascinating country with a unique set of rules and regulations. The interesting facts about the country make it worth visiting and exploring as it will be much more exciting to live these facts in real. The land being so considerate of its residents and the explorers’ rights, comfort, safety, security, and proper living environment is a country worth living in and should be praised for maintaining itself beautifully.