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Tags : Camping

Time Required : 1 day/night

Best Time : May - October

Camping in Auli, Auli Overview

Camping is one of the sought after activities or top things to do in Auli. After spending the evening by a bonfire, lounging on camping chairs - with fun & games and delicious food, you would sleep under the stars and wake up to enticing sunrise views. Some of these camps also let you enjoy adventure activities like trekking, hiking and wandering the woods with the help of a professional guide.

Most campsites have an in-house kitchen that serves hot meals. Comfortable tents and sleeping bags are provided to campers. Toilets and other facilities are also made available.

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Best Time for Camping in Auli

The best time to camp in Auli would be May - October. These months are pleasant and make for a great escape from the heat. The months of September and October are not advised as camping locations remain closed through the rains. By November, it gets too cold to be camping in Auli.

Tips for Camping in Auli

  1. Carry packaged quick-bites and snacks. If keen on fresh food, you can carry such items in a light cooler.
  2. Carry water packs for drinking and cooking.
  3. While certain utilities may be available in most campsites, carry a sleeping bag, utensils and fire-starting material. Carry rope & a utility knife incase your tent requires support.
  4. Carry an emergency first-aid kit.
  5. Carry basic toiletries including a hand sanitizer and soap.
  6. If adventurous, you may carry fishing poles and hiking equipment.

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