How to Reach Dhanushkodi

There are no direct transport services to Dhanushkodi. You can reach there by bus or cab from Rameshwaram, the nearest town.

How to reach Dhanushkodi by flight

Travelling by air may be a slightly tedious option since there are no airports very close by. However, if you plan to visit from a distant place, then the nearest airport is Madurai, which is about 198 km away from Dhanushkodi. If direct cabs or buses aren't available, then you will need to come to Rameshwaram and take another mode of transport from here.

Nearest Airport: TUTICORIN - 142 kms from Dhanushkodi

Search for flights to TUTICORIN

How to reach Dhanushkodi by road

While travelling by road, getting to Dhanushkodi is quite simple. Regular buses are available from Rameshwaram and other major areas. Rameshwaram has an extensive bus network, so even if no direct bus is available, you can always come to Rameshwaram and hop onto a Dhanushkodi bound bus.

How to reach Dhanushkodi by train

The nearest railway station is Rameshwaram. Being a major town, Rameshwaram sees trains coming in from nearly every corner of Tamil Nadu and even far off places. The station is about 18 km away and getting a ride is very easy.

Local transport in Dhanushkodi

Travelling in the city is not very difficult. In addition to taxis, a very unique kind of vehicle, called the tuk tuk can also be found here. The tuk tuk can seat 6 people at a time and travelling in it is quite an experience. In order to travel out of the main city, its best if you take a taxi or a hotel car.

Dhanushkodi Photos

Dhanushkodi, Tamil Nadu
The Dhanushkodi Beach
Dhanushkodi Beach
Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park

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