Camp wonderland

Weather :

Tags : Camping

Address : Houston, Texas

Open Hours : 24 Hours

Suggested Hours : Weekend

Ecosystems : Horses, ducks, geese

Activities : Swimming, camping, trekking

Amenities : Restrooms

Camp wonderland, Houston Overview

Thirty-five acres of beautiful flora and fauna, Camp wonderland comprises six different campsites. The campsite is located just 4 miles from the Trinity River, which increases the utility of the area, creating more space for swimming and a range of different water activities. Visitors also have the chance to wander and explore the area around the clean and blue river.

Camp Wonderland is also home to a small farmhouse that houses animals like horses, ducks, geese, chickens, goats and emu that love attention from the visitors. In addition to this, they also have a small pond in the premises of the campsite where visitors can enjoy a swim. They also have a slackline to enjoy and add to the several activities at the camp.

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