The rail distance between Chennai and Kanyakumari is 717 kilometers, and this distance takes around 13 hours to cover by train. Three direct trains operate between Chennai and Kanyakumari, and thus you can reach your destination quite easily via rail, without having to worry too much about changing your means of communication.
The best train to take to reach Kanyakumari would be the Kannyakumari Express (12665), which will take you to your destination in just 12 hours and 30 minutes. Other direct trains on this route are the Kanyakumari Express (12633) and Thirukkural Express (12642).
The pickup points in Chennai from where you can board your train include the Chennai Egmore Railway Station and the Tambaram Railway Station(TBM). There is, however, only one deboarding station in Kanyakumari, which is the Kanniyakumari Railway Station (CAPE).
Available Train Options
1. Kanyakumari Express (12633): runs from MS (Chennai Egmore) to CAPE (Kanyakumari)Timings: Departure: 17:15
Arrival: 06:20
Duration: 13 hours and 5 minutes
Availability: All days of the week
Fare: Sleeper Class: INR 415, AC 3 tier: INR 1100, AC 2 tier: INR 1565, AC 1st class: INR 2640
2. Thirukkural Express (12642): Runs from Delhi to CAPE (Kanyakumari)Timings: Departure: 18:15
Arrival: 07:50
Duration: 13 hours and 35 minutes
Availability: Mondays and Saturdays
Fare: Sleeper Class: INR 415, AC 3 tier: INR 1100, AC 2 tier: INR 1565
3. Kannyakumari Express (12665): Runs from Howrah to CAPE (Kanyakumari)Timings: Departure: 20:20
Arrival: 10:50
Duration: 12 hours and 30 minutes
Availability: Mondays
Fare: Sleeper Class: INR 415, AC 3 tier: INR 1100, AC 2 tier: INR 1565