How to Reach Kumbhalgarh

Udaipur is the nearest airport - about a one and half to two-hour drive from Kumbhalgarh. The nearest railway station is Falna railway station. Kumbhalgarh is also well-connected by roadways.

How to reach Kumbhalgarh by flight

The nearest airport to Kumbhalgarh is the Udaipur airport. From there, you can take a bus, cab or car to Kumbhalgarh.

Nearest Airport: Udaipur - 64 kms from Kumbhalgarh

Search for flights to Udaipur

How to reach Kumbhalgarh by road

There are frequent bus services to Kumbhalgarh from all major cities and towns in and around Rajasthan. You also have the option of hiring a cab or car service.

How to reach Kumbhalgarh by train

There is no railway station in Kumbhalgarh.

Local transport in Kumbhalgarh

Not a huge place, so commuting within the town will be easy. Local horse rides are a good option

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Kumbhalgarh Photos

Kumbhalgarh, Rajasthan
Kumbhalgarh Fort
Kumbhalgarh Fort
Kumbhalgarh Wildlife Sanctuary

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