The total distance between Delhi and Mahabaleshwar is around 1583 kms. Since there is no airport in Mahabaleshwar so there is no direct flights that fly on the route. The next nearest airport is in Pune which is 117 kms away. Other than that, there are regular trains and buses that ply on the route and you can choose to travel in any of these or a combination of these. There is also no railway station in Mahabaleshwar so you can either reach here in a bus or a cab. We have a detailed account of travel options from Delhi to Mahabaleshwar given below. Have a look!
Source Since there is no airport in Mahabaleshwar, you can choose to take a flight from Delhi to Pune, which is the next nearest airport. The distance between Pune and Delhi is 1457 kms and there are several flights that fly on the route on a frequent basis.
Departure Airport: Indira Gandhi International Airport Arrival Airport: Pune International Airport Starting Ticket Fares: INR 2867 Approx. Time Taken: 2 hours and 10 minutes
Once you reach Pune, there are several buses that run from Pune to Mahabaleshwar. The starting points vary, that include Hinjewadi, Sangamwadi, Wakad and more, and the destination is Mahabaleshwar ofcourse.
Starting Ticket Fares: INR 381 Approx. Time Taken: 2 hours to 4 hours
Option 2: Delhi to Mumbai and then to Mahabaleshwar
Source Other than Pune, there is another flight option that you can take, which is Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport. Mumbai is just 263 kms from Mahabaleshwar and that distance can be covered in a bus easily.
Departure Airport: Indira Gandhi International Airport Arrival Airport: Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport Starting Ticket Fares: INR 2546 Approx. Time Taken: 2 hours and 25 minutes
Again, when you land in Mumbai, you can take a bus to reach Mahabaleshwar which is just 263 from Mumbai. These buses run from Borivali, Kandivali, Goregaon and Dadar etc. and run till Mahbaleshwar.
Starting Ticket Fares: INR 467 Approx. Time Taken: 6 hours to 10 hours
In case, you want to travel by train then the best option is to take a train to Pune. There are a few direct trains available from Delhi to Pune. Have a look at the details.
Train 1: Pune Duronto Exp
Boarding Station: H. Nizamuddin Deboarding Station: Pune Jn Frequency of Trains: Mon & Thu Approximate Train Duration: 20 hours 15 minutes Approx train Fare: INR 2940
Train 2: Goa Exp
Boarding Station: H. Nizamuddin Deboarding Station: Pune Jn Frequency of Trains: All Days Approximate Train Duration: 25 hours 20 minutes Approx train Fare: INR 675
Train 3: Nzm Kop Exp
Boarding Station: H. Nizamuddin Deboarding Station: Pune Jn Frequency of Trains: Thu Only Approximate Train Duration: 27 hours 25 minutes Approx train Fare: INR 675
Train 4: Jhelum Exp
Boarding Station: Subzi Mandi Deboarding Station: Pune Jn Frequency of Trains: All Days Approximate Train Duration: 29 hours 55 minutes Approx train Fare: INR 645
Train 5: Darshan Express
Boarding Station: H. Nizamuddin Deboarding Station: Pune Jn Frequency of Trains: Fri Only Approximate Train Duration: 23 hours 50 minutes Approx train Fare: INR 1715
Train 6: YPR SKranti Exp
Boarding Station: H. Nizamuddin Deboarding Station: Pune Jn Frequency of Trains: Wed & Fri Approximate Train Duration: 26 hours 20 minutes Approx train Fare: INR 675
Train 7: Swarna Jayanthi Exp
Boarding Station: H. Nizamuddin Deboarding Station: Pune Jn Frequency of Trains: Mon Only Approximate Train Duration: 27 hours 25 minutes Approx train Fare: INR 675
Once you reach Pune, there are several buses that run from Pune to Mahabaleshwar. Refer to the travel details given in the previous section. Source
Option 2: Delhi to Mumbai and then to Mahabaleshwar
There is another option that you can opt for, which is a train to Mumbai and then a bus to Mahabaleshwar. There are a lot of trains that run from Delhi to Mumbai on a daily basis. Some of these include Mumbai Rajdhani, Pune Rajdhani, Duronto, Golden Temple Exp, Paschim Express, Punjab Mail, Janta Express, Dehradun Exp and more. The starting ticket fares for the same are INR 575 and the time taken for the same is around 15 to 33 hours. After getting down at Mumbai, you can again take a bus to Mahabaleshwar that will take 6 to 10 hours. For details, refer to the section above.
3. Delhi to Mahabaleshwar in Bus
Source If you are looking to travel only by bus then there are several options. Although there is no direct bus available from Delhi to Mahabaleshwar. You can take an interconnecting bus to Pune and then from Pune to Mahabaleshwar. From Delhi to Pune, there is only a single bus available; the details are given above.
Route 1: Delhi to Pune
Bus Name: Amar Travels Boarding Station: Tis Hazari Deboarding Station: Padmavat Parking Pune Starting Ticket Fares: INR 1400 Time of Departure: 11:50 PM Time of Arrival: 7:30 AM Approx. Time Taken: 31 hours and 40 minutes
From Pune, you will again have to take a bus to Mahabaleshwar which will take 2 to 4 hours and the ticket fares start from INR 381. For details, refer to the section above.