The total distance between Wayanad to Mysore is just 130 kms that can be covered through several modes of transport. Although, travelling by road - in a bus or a car, is the easiest and the most convenient option, you can also take a train or a flight if you want. The nearest airport to Wayanad is in Kozhikode and the nearest railway station Wayanad is also in Kozhikode. Although the best way is still to travel in a cab or to drive down on your own. Have a look at the travel options from Wayanad to Mysore given below.
To travel from Wayanad to Mysore in a flight, you will first have to take a bus from Wayand to Kozhikode which is the nearest airport to Wayanad.
Wayanad > Kozhikode
Source The distance between Wayanad and Kozhikode is 84 kms that can be covered in 2 to 3 hours. Once in Kozhikode, you can take a flight to get to Mysore. There are two buses that run on the route on a daily basis. Bus 1: Cochin Express Boarding Point: Kalpetta, Chunda, Vythiri Deboarding Point: M. M. Ali Road, Kalyan Kendra, Near University Starting Ticket Fares: INR 450 Approx. Time Taken: 1 hour and 30 minutes Bus 2: Cochin Express Boarding Point: Kalpetta, Chunda, Vythiri Deboarding Point: M. M. Ali Road, Kalyan Kendra, Near University Starting Ticket Fares: INR 450 Approx. Time Taken: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Kozhikode > Mysore
Source Once you are in Kozhikode, you can take a flight to Mysore and reach there in no time. But although there are flights available, most of these are Stop Over or Via flights that have a huge layover time. Major flight operators on the route are Air India and Indigo. Have a look at the flight details. Departure Airport: Kozhikode International Airport Arrival Airport: Mysore Airport Starting Ticket Fares: INR 6279 Approx. Time Taken: 19 hours and 20 hours (2+ Stops)
2. Wayanad to Mysore in Bus
Source The best and the most convenient way to reach from Wayanad to Mysore is in a bus. There are several direct buses that run on the route on a daily basis. You can pre book the tickets. Also, there are several other buses at the Wayanad Bus Stand that are always ready to go at different times of the day. Have a look at the bus details. Bus 1: SRS Travels Boarding Points: Kalpetta Inside new bus stand Deboarding Points: Gandhi SqureS R S Travels Departure Time: 4:30 PM Arrival Time: 8:00 PM Starting Ticket Fares: INR 800 Approx. Time Taken: 3 hours and 30 minutes Bus 2: SRS Travels Boarding Points: Kalpetta Inside new bus stand Deboarding Points: Gandhi SqureS R S Travels Departure Time: 11:30 PM Arrival Time: 3:45 AM Starting Ticket Fares: INR 699 Approx. Time Taken: 4 hours and 15 minutes
3. Wayanad to Mysore in Car
Source Since the distance between Wayanad and Mysore is just 130 kms, the route makes for a good road trip experience. You can drive down the beautiful roads on your own or you can also hire a private cab or taxi to traverse the distance. The total distance can be covered in 3 to 4 hours and the cab rentals start from INR 4600 and go up depending on the type of vehicle and the schedule that you choose.