How to Reach Nandi Hills

The nearest railway station is at Chikkaballapur (9km), and the nearest airport at Bangalore (58km), from where taxis are available to Nandi Hills. Buses are also available from Bangalore and most neighbouring cities. You could also hire a cab or self-drive as well. 

How to reach Nandi Hills by flight

The nearest airport is in Bangalore. You could take a bus from there to Nandi Hills.

Nearest Airport: Kempegowda International Airport (BLR)

Search for flights to Kempegowda International Airport (BLR)

How to reach Nandi Hills by road

Tourists and visitors can drive down to this hillock which is 60 km from the city centre. There are cabs operating to Nandi Hills as well. 

Visitors would have to park their individual vehicles at the designated place at the foothills. Further on, take a bus or any other transport provided by the Nandi authorities to reach the hilltop. This arrangement would avoid traffic on the road uphill.

How to reach Nandi Hills by train

The nearest railway station is Chikkaballapur, from where you could drive, take a cab or a bus to Nandi Hills.

Local transport in Nandi Hills

Autorickshaws as well as taxis can be opted for by tourists to travel within the city. Most sites are best explored on foot. 

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