Bali to Nusa-lembongan

   Bali to Nusa-lembongan Road Distance 41.9 km
   Bali to Nusa-lembongan Aerial Distance 53 km
  Bali to Nusa-lembongan Travel Time 30 mins to 1.5 hrs

How to reach Nusa-lembongan from Bali

Traveling from Bali to Nusa Lembongan is most commonly done via fast boat, offering a quick and convenient 30-40-minute ride. Alternatively, a more budget-friendly option is the public ferry, which takes around 1.5 to 2 hours. You can also take a taxi if you are not comfortable traveling by sea. The distance takes around 13 kilometers, and the duration is around 30 minutes to 3 hours, depending on the type of transport. The most popular is to travel by fast boat.

Knowing The Details

1. Bali to Nusa Lembongan by Fast Boat
2. Bali to Nusa Lembongan by Public Ferries
3. Popular Routes to Nusa-lembongan
4. Popular Routes from Bali
5. Places to Visit in Nusa-lembongan
6. Hotels in Nusa-lembongan

Nusa-lembongan Travel Packages

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1. Bali to Nusa Lembongan by Fast Boat

Duration and Fares
The journey takes approximately 30-40 minutes between both these destinations and cost typically range between 200,000 to 400,000 IDR depending on the operator and class of service.

Departure and Arrival points, Timings
The main departure point for fast boats heading to Nusa Lembongan is Sanur Beach. It is approximately a 30-minute drive from Denpasar and 45 minutes from Kuta. Fast boats operate multiple trips daily, typically starting from 6:00 AM, and the last one leaves at 5:30 PM.

Rocky Fast Cruises, Scoot Fast Cruise Marlin Lembongan Cruiser, Bali Hai Cruises are some of the popular operators to provide services on this route. They provide amenities like daily departures,including  hotel pick-up and drop-off in certain areas of Bali.

2. Bali to Nusa Lembongan by Public Ferries

Alternatively you can also travel between these destinations by public ferries. Padang Bai Harbor is the main departure point for public ferries to Nusa Lembongan. The ferry ride typically takes around 1.5 to 2 hours, depending on sea conditions. The cost is approximately 50,000 to 100,000 IDR per person. Public ferries usually have limited departures, often once or twice a day.

Popular Routes to Nusa-lembongan

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Bali to Nusa-lembongan 30 mins to 1.5 hrs 41.9 km
Nusa-penida to Nusa-lembongan 10-15 minutes 11.2 km

Popular Routes from Bali

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Bali to Gili Trawangan 2-5 hours 93.6 km
Bali to Nusa Penida 30 min to 2 hrs 52.7 km
Bali to Nusa Lembongan 30 mins to 1.5 hrs 41.9 km