Nusa-penida to Nusa-lembongan

   Nusa-penida to Nusa-lembongan Road Distance 11.2 km
   Nusa-penida to Nusa-lembongan Aerial Distance 8 km
  Nusa-penida to Nusa-lembongan Travel Time 10-15 minutes

How to reach Nusa-lembongan from Nusa-penida

To travel from Nusa Penida to Nusa Lembongan, you have a few convenient options. The most common way is by taking a fast boat, which operates several times a day and takes about 10-20 minutes.

Knowing The Details

1. Nusa Penida to Nusa Lembongan by Fast Boat
2. Nusa Penida to Nusa Lembongan by Public Boats
3. Popular Routes to Nusa-lembongan
4. Popular Routes from Nusa-penida
5. Places to Visit in Nusa-lembongan
6. Hotels in Nusa-lembongan

Nusa-lembongan Travel Packages

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1. Nusa Penida to Nusa Lembongan by Fast Boat

Duration and Fares
The trip takes about 10-15 minutes by fast boat depending on operator you choose. Fares range from 100,000 to 150,000 IDR  per person, depending on the operators.

Departure , Arrival points and Timings
There are more than 15 fast boats departure daily between these destinations. They depart from ToyaPakeh Harbour in Nusa Penida and arrive at  main beach areas such as Mushroom Bay or Jungut Batu Beach.

2. Nusa Penida to Nusa Lembongan by Public Boats

To travel from Nusa Penida to Nusa Lembongan by public boat, you can depart from either Toya Pakeh or Buyuk Harbour on Nusa Penida. Public boats typically run a few times a day, offering an affordable way to travel between the islands. The journey takes approximately 15 to 30 minutes, and the cost is around 50,000 IDR per person. These boats usually drop passengers off at the Yellow Bridge on Nusa Lembongan.

Popular Routes to Nusa-lembongan

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Bali to Nusa-lembongan 30 mins to 1.5 hrs 41.9 km
Nusa-penida to Nusa-lembongan 10-15 minutes 11.2 km

Popular Routes from Nusa-penida

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Nusa-penida to Bali 30 to 45 mins 52.7 km
Nusa-penida to Gili Trawangan 2-4 hrs 68.7 km
Nusa-penida to Nusa Lembongan 10-15 minutes 11.2 km