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Tags : Historical Site
Timings : 24 hours
Time Required : Approx. 2 hours
Entry Fee : Free
Pont Neuf is the oldest standing bridge in Paris, France, which is located by the western point of the Île de la Cité. The Pont Neuf is a busy bridge and a popular tourist attraction. The attractions near the bridge include a beautiful park called the Square du Vert-Galant, a lively public square Place Dauphine, Louvre Museum and La Villete.
The bridge completed construction in 1607 and is to this date, an emblematic representation of that time. It was commissioned by King Henry III of France who laid the foundation stone in 1578. Pierre des Isles was one of the builders who played a major role in its construction and development. There are a handful of attractions near Pont Neuf that will ensure that you have a good time when you visit the bridge. The French Ministry of Culture, in 1889, classified the Pont Neuf in the historical monument category.
Even though the bridge remains a lively place, its popularity has been significantly reduced along with the central role that it used to play in Paris. Couples from all around the world used to come here to participate in the age-old tradition of love locks. Unfortunately, the weight of the locks resulted in a significant load on the bridge gradually decreasing its structural strength, and hence, had to be removed with time.
1. The Mascarons
The Pont Neuf is an elegant attraction to visit, for a variety of reasons, one of them being the mascarons. The sides of Pont Neuf are decorated with 381 unique stone masks called mascarons. These mascarons represent the heads of forest divinities in ancient mythology, satyrs and sylvains. The mascarons are copies of the originals which were sculpted by notable sculptors like Fontenelle, who was responsible for successfully copying and sculpting sixty-one masks. The original masks sit in the French National Museum of the Renaissance.
2. Statue of Henry IV
In the early-18th Century, a large pump house was set up on the bridge which was decorated with an image of the Samaritan woman beside a well. After almost a hundred years of its erection, the pump house was torn down and eventually, was replaced by a business which emerged as a department store called La Samaritaine.
Timings: 9.30 AM - 8.30 PM
Prices: EUR 27 - EUR 108 ; refer to the Official website at Nekovisit.
2. Cedric’s Paris Private Tours
Timings: 7 AM - 1 AM
Prices: EUR 30 - EUR 50 per person per hour ; Official website at cedricsparis.
3. Vedettes du Pont Neuf (Seine River Cruise)
Timings: Begins 10.45 PM
Price: Open Ticket - EUR 12 / Advantage Ticket - EUR 10 / Champagne Cruise - EUR 24.5; Official website at vedettesdupontneuf.
1. Place Dauphine
Timings: Open 24 hours
2. Monnaie de Paris
Timings: 11 AM - 7 PM (Tuesday to Sunday) / Wednesdays 11 AM - 9 PM.3. Immeuble Art Deco
This beautiful art deco building in Paris was built under the patronage of architect Bertrand. It is filled with Art Nouveau elements from the exterior to interiors. Amazing sculptures by Jean Macrou greet visitors as they enter the building. This building is truly an architectural achievement.
4. Raphaël Bedos Antiquités
Raphaël Bedos Antiquités is a gallery of antiques that specializes in Folk Art of the regions of France and the whole world. It contains items ranging from beautifully carved small everyday objects to ancient curiosities and masterpiece of Companions of France.
Timings: 10.30 AM - 7 PM (closed Sunday)
5. Jacques de Molay Memorial
Timings: Open 24 hours
The construction of the Pont Neuf began in 1578 under the command of Henry III. The bridge is an arch bridge that had undergone several constructional changes in its design at the time, and Pierre des Isles was one of the builders who were responsible for introducing a slight angle in the bridge, for making it more resistant to river currents, hence increasing its durability. Further design changes were made when the number of arches was changed from eight and four to seven and five. Eventually, houses were decided to be built on along the bridge which needed further structural changes and alterations. The bridge was subject to change, though houses were never built, due to the interference of Henry IV who decided against it.
The Pont Neuf was the first stone bridge in Paris to include pavements in order to facilitate the walking experience of pedestrians. People of all kinds came here to mix, chat, enjoy, laugh and make memories due to which, the bridge came to be informally known as “The Bridge of Memories”. Impressionists used to showcase their creativity and artistry in hopes to get noticed and find an entry into the Official Academy. Pont Neuf was also the place where the famous photographer Daguerre made the first Daguerreotype with a human. In 1985, the Pont Neuf was wrapped by Christo and Jeanne-Claude to escalate the beauty of this bridge even more than it already was. The bridge underwent a major restoration process from 1994 to 2007, the year of its 400th anniversary.