Hua-hin to Pattaya

   Hua-hin to Pattaya Road Distance 326.5 km
   Hua-hin to Pattaya Aerial Distance 107 km
  Hua-hin to Pattaya Travel Time 4 hr 31 min

How to reach Pattaya from Hua-hin

Traveling from Hua Hin to Pattaya can be done by bus, ferry or van and taxi. The most convenient option is to take a direct bus or minivan, which takes about 4 to 5 hours. Alternatively you can also travel via bangkok by van it is more budget friendly option. If you want to take a scenic route you can also take a ferry from Hua hin to Pattaya.

Knowing The Details

1. Hua Hin to Pattaya by Bus
2. Hua Hin to Pattaya by High-speed Ferry
3. Hua Hin to Pattaya by Van
4. Hua Hin to Pattaya by Taxi
5. Popular Routes to Pattaya
6. Popular Routes from Hua-hin
7. Places to Visit in Pattaya
8. Hotels in Pattaya

Pattaya Travel Packages

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1. Hua Hin to Pattaya by Bus

There is a direct bus service from Hua Hin to Pattaya. Depending on traffic and specific bus routes, it takes approximately 5 hours.

Fares and Boarding Points
The fares usually range from 450 to 600 THB, depending on the bus operators. Buses depart from the RRC bus station in Hua Hin and reach Pattaya Northern Bus Station.

Bus Operators
Bell Travel Service and Roong Reuang Coach are known for providing comfortable and reliable services. They are the only companies offering direct service for both destinations

2. Hua Hin to Pattaya by High-speed Ferry

Only one operator, Royal Passenger Liner, provides service on this route. The distance by sea from Hua Hin to Pattaya is 108km, and it takes around 2-4 hours to reach by High-Speed ferry.

Departing Points and Fares
Ferries depart from Khao Takiab Pier from Hua Hin and reach Bali Hai Pier, located centrally just near the walking street in Pattaya. The fares usually depend on the types of seats and class options on the ferry. The ferry departs from Hua Hin at 16:00 and arrives in Pattaya 2 to 2.5 hours later. 

  • Economy Class: 1,250 THB for adults.
  • First Class/Business Class: 1,550 THB for adults.

3. Hua Hin to Pattaya by Van

Traveling from Hua Hin to Pattaya by van requires a transfer from Bangkok.

Hua Hin to Bangkok
Minivan fares range from THB 200 to THB 250, depending on factors such as the service operator. They typically take 3 hours to reach.  Minivans in Hua Hin usually depart from two main stations, Blueport and Market Village Hua Hin, arriving at Ekkamai and Mo Chit's new van terminal in Bangkok.

Bangkok to Pattaya
The vans run throughout the day, starting at 5:30 in the morning and continuing until 7:00 p.m. The time is approximately 1-2 hours, depending on traffic conditions. Departing from Ekkamai, Mo Chit's new van terminal and southern bus terminal arrive at Pattaya North Terminal.

4. Hua Hin to Pattaya by Taxi

It is the most convenient and comfortable way to travel between Hua Hin and Pattaya. The journey typically takes about 4 hours. Popular operators like Glassflower and Hua Hin Cars offer comfortable services. The fares are around 3000 to 9600 THB, depending on the vehicle type and operator.

Popular Routes to Pattaya

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Bangkok to Pattaya 2 Hours 30 Mins 150 KM
Phuket to Pattaya 14 hr 5 min 973.6 km
Hua-hin to Pattaya 4 hr 31 min 326.5 km

Popular Routes from Hua-hin

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Hua-hin to Pattaya 4 hr 31 min 326.5 km
Hua-hin to Bangkok